Civil Engineering - Theory of Structures - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Theory of Structures - Section 2 (Q.No. 8)
The equivalent length of a column of length L, having both the ends hinged, is
5 comments Page 1 of 1.
Mukesh said:
3 years ago
Thanks @Munsa.
Nawaz Khan said:
3 years ago
Thanks @Munsa.
Priyanka said:
5 years ago
Thanks @Munsa.
Munsa said:
7 years ago
1. Both ends hinged l=L.
2. Both ends fixed l=L/2.
3. One end hinged and other end fixed l=L/√2.
4. One end hinged another end free l=2L.
2. Both ends fixed l=L/2.
3. One end hinged and other end fixed l=L/√2.
4. One end hinged another end free l=2L.
Ahsen Hamid said:
8 years ago
Can anyone please tell equivalent lengths for different end conditions of columns?
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