Civil Engineering - Theory of Structures
Exercise : Theory of Structures - Section 2
- Theory of Structures - Section 1
- Theory of Structures - Section 2
- Theory of Structures - Section 3
- Theory of Structures - Section 4
The vertical reaction for the arch is
A bar of square section of area a2 is held such that its one of its diagonals is vertical. The maximum shear stress will develop at a depth h where h is
The equivalent length of a column of length L, having both the ends hinged, is
A steel rod of sectional area 250 sq. mm connects two parallel walls 5 m apart. The nuts at the ends were tightened when the rod was heated to 100°C. If αsteel = 0.000012/C°, Esteel = 0.2 MN/mm2, the tensile force developed at a temperature of 50°C, is
The ratio of circumferential stress to the longitudinal stress in the walls of a cylindrical shell, due to flowing liquid, is
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