Civil Engineering - Surveying - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Surveying - Section 1 (Q.No. 5)
The intercept of a staff
34 comments Page 1 of 4.
Aman said:
1 decade ago
If staff is not vertical, the reading will be too great. If staff is normal to the line of sight the value will be minimum or accurate. It will not be maximum. The intercept of staff increases when it is tilted away from norman and decreases or gets minimum when moved towards normal.
Prit said:
5 years ago
If staff is not vertical, the reading will be too great. If staff is normal to the line of sight the value will be minimum or accurate. It will not be maximum. The intercept of staff increases when it is tilted away from normal and decreases or gets minimum when moved towards normal.
Diya said:
6 years ago
Staff intercept is the difference in reading between top and bottom cross hairs. If the staff is tilted forward or backward from normal, the staff intercept will increase. It is minimum when staff is truly vertical.
7 years ago
Reading will increase in both cases, if tilted away or towards. Because it's minimum when staff held normal. So you can't go below the minimum. So answer D is also correct but B is more logical.
Ravi kumar said:
8 years ago
Answer B is right. Think again and visualise a laser beam as a line of sight and a objects going away from normal. The reading will increase as it starts from zero at bottom and max st top.
Mrgsh said:
9 years ago
Staff intercept is differ between length of top and bottom crosshair in the instrument (say S1 and S3). Google "tacheometry" and just see the image you'll get everything.
Santhosh C said:
8 years ago
If the staff is tilted away from the instrument intercept will be more n if staff is tilted towards the instrument the staff intercept will be minimum.
Sahil said:
8 years ago
Since, staff is held inclined, cross hairs will intercept more readings than that of a vertically held staff in vertical direction.
Asaa said:
8 years ago
Option D is incorrect because the intercept rather decreases if you tilt the staff towards making it normal to the line of sight.
Nitesh said:
7 years ago
Staff intercept: is the difference between the reading measured at top cross hair and bottom cross hair of telescope.
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