Civil Engineering - RCC Structures Design - Discussion
Discussion Forum : RCC Structures Design - Section 1 (Q.No. 2)
The maximum area of tension reinforcement in beams shall not exceed
36 comments Page 1 of 4.
Jero M said:
2 years ago
As per IS 456, the maximum area of tension reinforcement in the beam shall not exceed 4% of the total area i.e. 0.04bD.
Mahantesh Gidnavar said:
3 years ago
Please explain the answer with a formula.
Please explain the answer with a formula.
K das said:
4 years ago
Ast/bd = .085/fy for minimum.
0.04bD for maximum.
0.04bD for maximum.
Jay said:
5 years ago
What about double beam?
Mrinal said:
8 years ago
The minimum steel is calculated by - Ast/bd=0.85/Fy.
Radhakrishna said:
8 years ago
What is minimum steel area in RCC beam as is 456 -2000?
Bikash kabiraj said:
8 years ago
Minimum -----> Ast/bd = 0.85/fy, max-----0.04bd or 4%.
Sumit kumar said:
7 years ago
According to me, it is 0.17%.
Sanju Khinwal said:
7 years ago
Minimum percentage of tension steel is 0.17 and maximum 4%.
Abbas said:
7 years ago
Over rainforced section is not desirable.
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