Civil Engineering - Concrete Technology - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Concrete Technology - Section 5 (Q.No. 11)
Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:
24 comments Page 1 of 3.
Sheela KR said:
2 years ago
I agree with you @Shahzaib Rao.
Shahzaib Rao said:
3 years ago
Let me explain the option clearly.
Bulking depends upon Particle Size ---> Fineness &
Moisture Content (Option C is correct).
Test conducted in a laboratory on the trial mix of concrete produced in the laboratory for designing a concrete mix. It is done before actual concreting at the site to verify the strength of concrete and determine the adjustments required in the mix if needed. Thus, a concrete for which a mix is designed after carrying out the preliminary test is called controlled concrete. ((Option B is correct).
1:3:6 is used for abutments and piers. (Option D is incorrect).
Let me explain the option clearly.
Bulking depends upon Particle Size ---> Fineness &
Moisture Content (Option C is correct).
Test conducted in a laboratory on the trial mix of concrete produced in the laboratory for designing a concrete mix. It is done before actual concreting at the site to verify the strength of concrete and determine the adjustments required in the mix if needed. Thus, a concrete for which a mix is designed after carrying out the preliminary test is called controlled concrete. ((Option B is correct).
1:3:6 is used for abutments and piers. (Option D is incorrect).
Muhammad Ali Khetran said:
3 years ago
I think option A is incorrect.
Suresh said:
3 years ago
Here only B and C options are right.
Mohsin Aziz said:
4 years ago
Option A will be the answer.
Shubham Gadge said:
4 years ago
Option A should be the answer.
Mamtameena said:
4 years ago
Bulking of sand also depend on fineness of Sand so option A is the correct answer.
Rakesh said:
4 years ago
Bulking also depends on size of fine aggregate.
Hardik said:
5 years ago
I think C is not correct because bulking of sand is depend upon moisture content.
Krish said:
5 years ago
Not cement water, it is water cement ratio.
Not cement water, it is water cement ratio.
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