Aptitude - Calendar - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Calendar - General Questions (Q.No. 12)
Which of the following is not a leap year?
Answer: Option

The century divisible by 400 is a leap year.

The year 700 is not a leap year.

32 comments Page 1 of 4.

Kap said:   10 months ago
If the year is century years like 100, 200, 300, 400, 500. 1600, 2000 then we should divide them by 400 (not 4) through we can get Leap year. Thanks.

Priscilla Stanley Pinto said:   3 years ago

A year that is completely divisible by 4 is a leap year for eg.

1) 2004 ÷4= 501, Here Remainder is 0, hence 2004 is completely divisible by 4, & so the year 2004 was a leap year.

2) 2020÷4=505, Here Remainder is 0, hence 2020 is completely divisible by 4, & so the year 2020 was a leap year.

3) 2036÷4=509, Here Remainder is 0, hence 2036 is completely divisible by 4, & so the year 2036 will be a leap year.

2021÷4=505, Here Remainder is 1, hence 2021 is not completely divisible by 4, & so the year 2021 was not a leap year.

4) 1999÷4=499, Here Remainder is 3, hence 1999 is not completely divisible by 4, & so the year 1999 was not a leap year.

Conclusion: If the number is completely divisible by 4 then that year is a LEAP YEAR.

AzuChi said:   4 years ago
I am not understanding this, please anyone explain me in detail.

Jamnas K P said:   4 years ago
Year divisible by 4 are leap yr, except yrs divisible by 100 unless it is divisible by 400.
Eg. 2004 is divisible by 4. so it is a leap year.
700 are divisible by 4, but also by 100. So check 2nd condition by 400. 2100 are not divisible by 400. So not a leap year.

Sai Teja said:   6 years ago
Let's say 696 which is divisible by 4 is a leap year and so 704.

If 700 is not a leap year then that makes it 8 years gap between those two consecutive leap years. Which is against the fact that Every 4th year is a leap year.

Abdulmuneer said:   6 years ago
It's clear from formula.

(i). Every year divisible by 4 is a leap year if it is not a century.
(ii). Every 4th century is a leap year and no other century is a leap year.

SREENIVASULU said:   6 years ago
Which year has the same calendar as before and after 1700year?

Please tell me.

Naimish Kansagara said:   6 years ago
Every 4th century is a leap year and as we know that 2000 is a leap year so accordingly next 1600, 1200, 800, 400 are a leap year. 700 is not including in this series.

Falguni said:   7 years ago
700 is not leap year because 700 is divisible by 4 but 4 is not divisible by 2 that's why its no.

Gargi sahasrabuddhe said:   7 years ago
2000 is a leap year.

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