Verbal Reasoning - Direction Sense Test - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Direction Sense Test - Direction Sense 1 (Q.No. 18)
P started from his house towards west. After walking a distance of 25 m. He turned to the right and walked 10 m. He then again turned to the right and walked 15 m. After this he is to turn right at 135o and to cover 30 m. In which direction should he go?
Answer: Option
Hence he should go in the South-West direction.
33 comments Page 1 of 4.
Thaheer said:
1 year ago
The correct answer is south-west only
Because from where he is standing we have to take a 135-degree turn in a clock-wise direction only.
Because from where he is standing we have to take a 135-degree turn in a clock-wise direction only.
Arham said:
2 years ago
I agree with you @Aditya.
Sourasis said:
2 years ago
In question, It's not mentioned that;
If he wanted to go home from point d' or.
If he wanted to go home from where he has already reached.
For first -the answer is south-east.
For second-the answer is north-east.
If he wanted to go home from point d' or.
If he wanted to go home from where he has already reached.
For first -the answer is south-east.
For second-the answer is north-east.
Saurav said:
3 years ago
P's face is already in the East direction and if he moves 90 degrees then he will reach south furthermore he takes 45 degrees then he faces southwest.
Varu said:
3 years ago
So, he's not facing north, because if he was, then it would be South-East.
Afreen said:
4 years ago
The correct answer is SOUTH -EAST.
Prasad Mahadik said:
4 years ago
How could 135° goes south west..its not only 35°
So if 135° Right From D it should be Southeast.
It's South East is the correct answer.
How could 135° goes south west..its not only 35°
So if 135° Right From D it should be Southeast.
It's South East is the correct answer.
Achuth reddy said:
4 years ago
What about 30m distance?
It should be 135° and to cover 30 m.
It should be 135° and to cover 30 m.
Pari said:
4 years ago
It's South-East.
Dinakar said:
5 years ago
1. He is facing southwest.
2. If he wants to go home he should go in the south east.
2. If he wants to go home he should go in the south east.
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