Verbal Reasoning - Cube and Cuboid - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Cube and Cuboid - Cube and Cuboid 8 (Q.No. 2)
Directions to Solve

There are 128 cubes with me which are coloured according to two schemes viz.

  1. 64 cubes each having two red adjacent faces and one yellow and other blue on their opposite faces while green on the rest.
  2. 64 cubes each having two adjacent blue faces and one red and other green on their opposite faces, while red on the rest. They are then mixed up.

What is the total number of red faces ?
Answer: Option

No. of red faces among first 64 cubes = 128

No. of red faces among second 64 cubes = 192

Therefore, total number of red faces = 128 + 192 = 320

7 comments Page 1 of 1.

Vivek said:   4 years ago
In the second cube we have, 2 adjacent faces with blue, 1 face with red and opposite to that 1 green colour is there. So 4 faces are coloured as of now. The remaining 2 faces are colored with red. So total of 3 red faces are there.

Madhura said:   6 years ago
How come 3 red faces in 2nd cube, can anyone explain?

Sanyam said:   9 years ago
According to me,

There are 2 faces colored red in the 1st cube. So 32 red faces are there in the first cube.

In the 2nd cube, there are 3 red colored faces. So red faces in the second cube = 48.
So total no of red faces = 48 + 32 = 80.

DON said:   1 decade ago
No.of red faces in 1st cube(64*2) = 128 because 2 red colours are painted.
No.of red faces in 2nd cube(64*3) = 192 because 3 red colours are painted.

Total no.of red faces = 320.

Shekhar Ghate said:   1 decade ago
The second cube have three faces red. Two opposite to two adjacent blue (rest in question) and one opposite to green. Therefore 320 is correct answer.

Rohitkr said:   1 decade ago
Ans should be 256. (64*2+64*2)

No. of red faces among first cube = 64*2 = 128.
No. of red faces among Second cube = 64*2 = 128.
Total no. of red faces = 256.

Krishna said:   1 decade ago
How do the second 64 cubes contain (64*3=192). How it is 3 faces with red colour?

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