Verbal Reasoning - Cube and Cuboid - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Cube and Cuboid - Cube and Cuboid 5 (Q.No. 1)
Directions to Solve

The following questions are based on the information given below:

All the opposite faces of a big cube are coloured with red, black and green colours. After that is cut into 64 small equal cubes.

How many small cubes are there where one face is green and other one is either black or red ?
Answer: Option

Number of small cubes having one face green and the other one is either red or black = 8 x 2 = 16

9 comments Page 1 of 1.

GAGAn said:   4 years ago
16 is correct because question said either black or red NOT Both so edges will be excluded as two green faces are there.

Shah Hemish said:   6 years ago
Please explain me the answer.

Ashlesh said:   8 years ago
It should be 12 on each side.

i.e 24.

Spgandau said:   10 years ago
The logic which does NOT include the corners is faulty. The question asks for cubes that have "black or red". It does not specifically exclude the corners which happen to have both black and red.

The logic of "OR" is correctly applied to the corners. They have black or red coloring. The correct answer then gives 12 surfaces on each face x 2 = 24. Please give reference material that would exclude the corners in such logic.

Nsk said:   1 decade ago
Friends I have one doubt any formula is there for identifying no of cubes have 2 faces painted black?

Mayank said:   1 decade ago
Question is asking, the cubes which have one face green and other face either red or black (it will not include the cubes which have both red and black faces along with green face i.e. eight cubes at the corner will also be excluded).

Answer is 16. i.e. 8+8.

Jjjjj said:   1 decade ago
Total no.of blocks with green color=32
one face green and other one is either red or green is:32-8(corner blocks which are 3 face colored)-8(blocks with only one face green colored)=16.

Rohit said:   1 decade ago
It should be 24 (12 on each side).

Sanjay said:   1 decade ago
Please explain me about this.

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