Verbal Ability - Synonyms - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Synonyms - Section 1 (Q.No. 13)
Directions to Solve

In the following the questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word.

Answer: Option
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62 comments Page 1 of 7.

Sundar said:   1 decade ago
Shrill (verb) - A shrill sound or cry

Shrill (adjective): Having or emitting a high-pitched and sharp tone or tones


Rigorous (adjective): Extremely thorough, exhaustive, or accurate


1. Rigidly accurate; allowing no deviation from a standard (ex: rigorous application of the law)

2. Demanding strict attention to rules and procedures(ex: rigorous discipline)

3. Painstakingly careful and accurate (ex: our accountant is rigorous)

4. Performed comprehensively and completely (ex: a rigorous study)

Rahulmalviya said:   1 decade ago
STRINGENT Stringent laws, rules, or conditions are very severe or are strictly controlled. (FORMAL)

Rigorous A test, system, or procedure that is rigorous is very thorough and strict.

Sruj said:   1 decade ago
Main entry : Stringent.

Synonym: Rigorous, tight.

Meaning: Demanding strict attention to rules and procedures.

Examples: Rigorous discipline, tight security.

Arun said:   1 decade ago

(of regulations, requirements, or conditions) Strict, precise, and exacting.


Severe - strict - austere - stern - rigorous - rigid.

King0007 said:   9 years ago
Stringent means tough and rigorous or strict.


This time Indian govt will take stringent actions against ceasefire violation by pakistan.

Madhu said:   1 decade ago
Ex:the government's stringent economic policies.

Here it is very difficult and very much strictly controlled because there is not much money.

Sumit jaiswal said:   1 decade ago
Careful to look at or consider every part of something to make certain it is correct or safe.

Ex rigorous testing, checking.

Neha said:   9 years ago
Stringent and rigorous - both have same meaning strict.

Parents are very rigorous to send their child to school.

Ajay said:   8 years ago
Stringent means accurate or meticulous so in optionthere is only one matching to this word that is rigorous.

Tanvi said:   3 weeks ago
STRINGENT is described as strict.

Example: The school has stringent rules about attendance.

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