Verbal Ability - Synonyms - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Synonyms - Section 1 (Q.No. 13)
Directions to Solve
In the following the questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word.
62 comments Page 1 of 7.
Debraj said:
1 decade ago
Stringent means demanding strict attention to rules and procedures.
Mopin said:
1 decade ago
Our college has stringent rules.
Amit said:
1 decade ago
Its general meaning is: having a very severe effect, or being extremely limiting
Vasanthakumar said:
1 decade ago
It means binding rules and act ex. stringent imprisonment
Subbu said:
1 decade ago
Stringment means being very particular and more concious of what one is doing
Indhu said:
1 decade ago
Rigorous means?
Sundar said:
1 decade ago
Rigorous: Extremely thorough, exhaustive, or accurate
Sasidhar said:
1 decade ago
I want some more meanings for this rigorous.
Anupama said:
1 decade ago
What is the meaning of shrill?
Sundar said:
1 decade ago
Shrill (verb) - A shrill sound or cry
Shrill (adjective): Having or emitting a high-pitched and sharp tone or tones
Rigorous (adjective): Extremely thorough, exhaustive, or accurate
1. Rigidly accurate; allowing no deviation from a standard (ex: rigorous application of the law)
2. Demanding strict attention to rules and procedures(ex: rigorous discipline)
3. Painstakingly careful and accurate (ex: our accountant is rigorous)
4. Performed comprehensively and completely (ex: a rigorous study)
Shrill (adjective): Having or emitting a high-pitched and sharp tone or tones
Rigorous (adjective): Extremely thorough, exhaustive, or accurate
1. Rigidly accurate; allowing no deviation from a standard (ex: rigorous application of the law)
2. Demanding strict attention to rules and procedures(ex: rigorous discipline)
3. Painstakingly careful and accurate (ex: our accountant is rigorous)
4. Performed comprehensively and completely (ex: a rigorous study)
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