Verbal Ability - Sentence Improvement - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Sentence Improvement - Section 1 (Q.No. 93)
Directions to Solve
In questions given below, a part of the sentence is italicised and underlined. Below are given alternatives to the italicised part which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, option 'D' is the answer.
I have lived in Delhi since I was four.
12 comments Page 1 of 2.
Akinniy said:
3 years ago
Have been is the correct option.
Sandaz said:
3 years ago
Since means from past to currently staying at Delhi. So, it should be "have been living".
Tushar M said:
4 years ago
The word 'since' is indicating that he is still living in Delhi. So, I have been living should come.
Nandhini said:
6 years ago
It should be have had "I have had lived in Delhi since I was four".
Suresh said:
9 years ago
It indicates some action which started in past and still continuing in present so we must used have been.
Ankan said:
9 years ago
It should be have been because he used to live in past and still he is living.
Mounica said:
10 years ago
Since four is past. So, why to use have? We can use had.
Saikumar said:
1 decade ago
In past tense HAD used. So what is the need of have?
Venkat said:
1 decade ago
@Sirisha. While we talking about time since indicates the some point in past to present.
So I think I have been living in Delhi since I was four. Is correct answer.
So I think I have been living in Delhi since I was four. Is correct answer.
Sirisha said:
1 decade ago
No you are mistaken that been living is present continues.
The sentence given to us is "I have lived in Delhi since I was four" is the correct answer because it was the past tense.
No you are mistaken that been living is present continues.
The sentence given to us is "I have lived in Delhi since I was four" is the correct answer because it was the past tense.
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