Verbal Ability - Sentence Correction - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Sentence Correction - Section 1 (Q.No. 32)
Directions to Solve

Which of phrases given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold type to make the grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is, mark 'E' as the answer.

We don't know how did the thief made an escape.
how the thief did make
how the thief does make
how the thief made
how was the thief made
No correction required
Answer: Option
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17 comments Page 1 of 2.

Papaji said:   5 years ago

So, must be wave off.
So it should be like "We don't know how the thief made an escape".

Dharanika said:   5 years ago
B should be the correct answer.

Lokesh said:   6 years ago
Why option B is not correct?

Anju said:   7 years ago
B should be right.

Because at starting we used don't.

Sarita said:   7 years ago
Why not b?

Shiwani said:   7 years ago
When we use the interrogative word in the sentence then the sequence is like this: why/how + sub+ verb.

Sadaf Khan said:   8 years ago
I think, Option A is also right.

Abir said:   9 years ago
It's embedded question structure.


Subject + Verb (phrase) + Question word + Subject + Verb.

There "must be no" #auxiliary between "question word" and "the subject".

MalliReddy said:   9 years ago
Did make means past simple.

How did he make an escape is actually correct not how he did make an escape. So option 'A' is wrong and C fits better?

Karthik said:   10 years ago
I guess" wh question" as a statement should be followed by the subject.

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