Verbal Ability - One Word Substitutes - Discussion

Discussion Forum : One Word Substitutes - Section 1 (Q.No. 1)
Directions to Solve
In questions given below out of four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.

Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool
Answer: Option
No answer description is available. Let's discuss.
67 comments Page 1 of 7.

Manish Kumar said:   8 months ago
I too agree Dotage is the correct answer.

Nis said:   1 year ago
Dotage - the period of life in which a person is old and weak.

Aayushi Dhiran said:   2 years ago
Dotage is the correct answer. I agree with the given answer.

Jamshaid said:   2 years ago
I think "Senility" is an appropriate answer.

Rahul Varshney said:   3 years ago
Here it is mentioned the age and not the condition. Senility is a mental condition of old age, and dotage is the age when these mental problems happen.

Indravathi said:   3 years ago
Dotage is correct. I too agree.

Sourav said:   4 years ago

Here it is mentioned the age and not the condition. Senility is a mental condition of old age, and dotage is the age when these mental problems happen.

Prakash said:   5 years ago
Senile is specifically for mental condition so childish behavior comes from senility but dotage is a close one but its for weakness, not the behavior. I am so sure because we had a poem where 7 stages of life eas shown and the last was senility which says childish behavior.

Even you can go for Google or a dictionary.

Anakpe Chukwumaijem said:   6 years ago
A fool is a person who you think behaves or speaks in a way that lacks intelligence or good judgement.

Senility is the state of behaving in a confused or strange way, and unable to remember things, because you are old. 'Be in your dotage' means to be old and not always able to think clearly. When one can not think clearly (dotage) , he/she lacks intelligence and so behaves like a fool. But when one behaves in a confused way or is unable to remember things (senility), it doesn't necessarily mean he behaves like a fool.

So, the correct answer is 'dotage'.

Lustre said:   6 years ago
Senility should be the correct answer.

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