Online Civil Engineering Test - Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Test


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Geologic cycle for the formation of soil, is
Upheavel → transportation → deposition → weathering
Weathering → upheaval → transportation → deposition
Transportation → upheaval → weathering → deposition
Weathering → transportation → deposition → upheaval
None of these.
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Correct Answer: Option

Minimum size of the particles of silt soil, is
0.002 mm
0.04 mm
0.06 mm.
0.08 mm
1 mm
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Correct Answer: Option

The liquidity index is defined as a ratio expressed as percentage of
plastic limit minus the natural water content, to its plasticity index
natural water content minus its plastic limit to its plasticity index
natural water content plus its plastic limit to its plasticity index
liquid limit minus the natural water content to the plasticity index.
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Correct Answer: Option

Which one of the following statements is true ?
Clays are more porous than sands
Pressure of organic matter in a soil decreases the bearing capacity of the soil
Aluminous cement is used for foundations in soils with chemical deposits
All the above.
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Correct Answer: Option

Back fill with a sloping surface exerts a total active pressure Pa on the wall of height H and acts at
H/4 above the base parallel to base
H/2 above the base parallel to base
H/3 above the base parallel to base
H/5 above the base parallel to base.
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Correct Answer: Option

The lateral earth pressure on a retaining wall
is equal to mass of the soil retained
proportional to the depth of the soil
proportional to the square of the depth of the soil
proportional to the internal friction of the soil
none of these.
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Correct Answer: Option

Pick up the correct statement from the following:
Sandy clayloam contains highest percentage of sand
Silty clayloam contains highest percentage of silt
Stiff boulder clay offers maximum shear strength
Soft chalk carries least safe load
All the above.
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Correct Answer: Option

A phreatic line is defined as the line within a dam section below which there are
positive equipotential lines
positive hydrostatic pressure
negative hydrostatic pressure
negative equipotential lines
none of these.
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Correct Answer: Option

For a homogeneous earth dam 50 m high having 2 m free broad, a flow net was constructed and the results were : Number of potential drops = 2.4 Number of flow channels = 0.4. If coefficiency of permeability of the dam mateiral is 3 x 10-3 cm3/sec, the discharge per metre length of dam, is
12 x 10-5 m3/sec
24 x 10-3 m3/sec
6 x 10-5 m3/sec
24 x 10-5 m3/sec
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Correct Answer: Option

The maximum load carried by a pile, when it continues to sink without further increase of load, is known as
ultimate load carrying capacity
ultimate bearing capacity
ultimate bearing resistant
all the above.
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Correct Answer: Option

Transporting and redepositing soils, is done by
all the above.
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Correct Answer: Option

Fine sand possesses
good plasticity
limited plasticity
reasonable plasticity
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Correct Answer: Option

The minimum centre to centre distance of friction piles of 1 m diameter, is
2 m
2 m to 3 m
3 m to 4 m
5 m
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Correct Answer: Option

Pick up the correct statement from the following:
O.M.C. refers to the moisture corresponding to the maximum point on the moisture content dry density curve
The line which shows moisture content dry density relation for soil containing a constant percentage of air voids, is known as air void line
The weight of hammer used for compaction test is 25 kg
The free fall of hammer for compaction is 30.5 cm
All the above.
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Correct Answer: Option

The total active earth pressure due to dry back fill with no surcharge, acts at H/3 above the base of the wall and is directly proportional to
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Correct Answer: Option

Through a point in a loaded soil mass, there exists n typical planes mutually orthogonal on which the stress is wholly normal and no shear stress acts, if n is
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Correct Answer: Option

A soil not fully consolidated under the existing over-burden pressure, is called
normally consolidated
none of these.
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Correct Answer: Option

Pick up the correct definition from the following:
The lateral pressure exerted by the soil when the retaining wall moves away from the back fill, is generally known as active earth pressure of the soil
The lateral pressure exerted by the soil when the retaining wail moves towards the soil, is generally known as 'Passive earth pressure of the soil'
The lateral pressure exerted by the soil when the retaining wall has no movement relative to the back fill, is known as 'earth pressure at rest of the soil'
All the above.
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Correct Answer: Option

The maximum pressure which a soil can carry without shear failure, is called
safe bearing capacity
net safe bearing capacity
net ultimate bearing capacity
ultimate bearing capacity.
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Correct Answer: Option

The bulk density of the soil sample stated in Q. No. 11.243, is
1.4 g/cc
1.6 g/cc
1.8 g/cc
2.0 g/cc
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Correct Answer: Option

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