Online Civil Engineering Test - Previous UPSC Exam Papers Test 6


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What is the type of soil structure having arrangement of soil particles with a 'face to face' or parallel orientation generally recognized as
Honeycomb structure
Single-grained structure
Flocculent structure
Dispersed structure
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

Given figure shows a retaining wall of base width B1 and height H1 The sp. gravity of the material of construction is S. Further AB = BC = CD =
When the depth of storage increases from 0 to H1, the resultant force will move from
A to B
B to C
C to D
B to D
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

Consider the following statements regarding base-line measurements :
1. Very precise measurement can be done only on densely cloudy days or at nights.
2. Error due to application of non-standardised pull on the tape can be either cumulative or compensating type.
3. Intermediate obstructions in the measurement of base-lines can be cleared by erecting towers.
Of these statements :
1, 2 and 3 are correct
1 and 2 are correct
1 and 3 are correct
2 and 3 are correct
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

In each of the following examples certain quantity of work 'W' is done.
1. The point of application of a force of (50i + 60j + 80k) in kN units moves through a distance given by (6i + 5j + 2.5k) in metres.
2. A pump raises 2m3 of water through a height of 20 m (Take g = 10 m/s2).
3. A shaft delivering a torque = 200 kNm makes 0.75 revolution.
4. A couple (30i - 20j + 100k) in kNm units acting on a body rotates it through an angular displacement of (2i + 3j + 6k) radians.
The correct sequence of these quantities of work 'W' arranged in order of their increasing magnitude is
1, 4, 2, 3
2, 4, 1, 3
3, 2, 1, 4
2, 3, 4, 1
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

The fix of a plane table from three known points is good if
the middle station is the nearest
the middle station is farther than the other two stations
either of the extreme stations is the nearest
the middle station is close to the great circle
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

The fix of a plane table from three known points is good if the middle station is the nearest. The middle station should be the closest to the plane table among the three known points.

The slenderness ratio of a compression member in the context of Rankine's formula is defined as
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

A VOR radio transmitter which emits beam in a vertical plane and gives an indication to the pilot whether he is to the left or right of the correct alignment for approach to the runway is known as
Outer marker
Localiser antenna
Glide slope antenna
Marker beacon
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

When a single point load W travels over a simply supported beam, what is shape of the graph for maximum positive or negative shear force ?
A triangle with maximum ordinate W at centre and zero at two simple supports
A triangle with maximum ordinate W at a support
A rectangle with ordinate W
A parabola with maximum ordinate W at centre of span and zero at supports
Your Answer: Option
(Not Answered)
Correct Answer: Option

Which of the following pairs are correctly matched ?
1. Standard penetration test....Relative density
2. Vane shear....Cohesion
3. Consolidation test....Bearing capacity
Select the correct answer using the codes given below :
1, 2 and 3
1 alone
1 and 2
2 and 3
Your Answer: Option
(Not Answered)
Correct Answer: Option

Undrained strength of a clay soil can be obtained by conducting which of the following tests ?
1. UC test
2. Vane sheer test
3. Cyclic triaxial test
4. Slow direct sheer test
Select the correct answer using the code given below :
1 and 2 only
2 only
1 and 4
1, 2 and 3
Your Answer: Option
(Not Answered)
Correct Answer: Option

The "Back sight" reading on a vertically held staff at a point A on the floor along the centre line of a railway tunnel is 3.465 m, and the "Fore sight" on the inverted staff held at the roof of the tunnel just vertically above A is 1.115 m. The height of the tunnel along the centre line at floor point A is
2.310 m
3.465 m
4.620 m
6.930 m
Your Answer: Option
(Not Answered)
Correct Answer: Option

As the state of strain of an element of dense sand changes from plain strain to trivial condition, the effective angle of internal friction :
remains constant
first increases and then remains constant
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

A concentrated load acting on the surface of a soil produces a stress of 19.1 kPa at a depth of 1 m below it. Using Boussinesq's expression, the stress at 2 m depth is
9.55 kPa
6.37 kPa
4.775 kPa
4.37 kPa
Your Answer: Option
(Not Answered)
Correct Answer: Option

For the purpose of designing a well point system for lowering ground water table in a sandy silt deposit, the coefficient of permeability of the soil is to be determined. Which one of the following methods would be most suitable ?
Constant Head Permeameter Test
Variable Head Permeameter Test
Pumping out Test in the field
Pumping in Test in the field
Your Answer: Option
(Not Answered)
Correct Answer: Option

In which one of the following grades of a highway is an emergency escape ramp provided ?
1 in 200
Zero grade
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

A 30 cm diameter friction pile is embedded 10 m into a homogeneous consolidated deposit. Unit adhesion developed between clay and pile shaft is 4 t/m2 and adhesion factor is 0.7. The safe load for factor of safety 2.5 will be
21.50 t
11.57 t
10.55 t
6.35 t
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

In a cohesionless soil deposit having a unit weight of 1.5 t/m3and an angle of internal friction of 30° the active and passivelateral earth pressure intensities (in t/m2) at a depth of 10 m will, respectively, be
15 and
5 and 15
10 and 20
20 and 10
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

Consider the following statements: An aqueduct is a cross drainage work in which
(a) a canal is carried over the drainage channel
(b) a drainage channel is carried over the canal
(c) both drainage channel and canal are at the same level.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?
1 only
1 and 2 only
2 and 3 only
1, 2 and 3
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

The distribution system configuration shown in the following figure is called
dead end system
grid iron system
radial system
ring system
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

Permissible limit of cant deficiency for Broad Gauge (B.G.) is
50 mm
60 mm
75 mm
88 mm
Your Answer: Option
(Not Answered)
Correct Answer: Option

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