Civil Engineering - UPSC Civil Service Exam Questions - Discussion

Discussion Forum : UPSC Civil Service Exam Questions - Section 22 (Q.No. 14)
In a cohesionless soil deposit having a unit weight of 1.5 t/m3and an angle of internal friction of 30° the active and passivelateral earth pressure intensities (in t/m2) at a depth of 10 m will, respectively, be
15 and
5 and 15
10 and 20
20 and 10
Answer: Option
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1 comments Page 1 of 1.

RAHUL said:   2 years ago

Here's my soltion.
Pa = Y * Ka * H.
= 1.5 * .33 * 10.
= 5.

Pp = Y * Kp * H.
= 1.5 * 3 * 10.
= 45.

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