Online Civil Engineering Test - Previous UPSC Exam Papers Test 2


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The given figure shows gradually varied flow in an open channel with a beak in bed slope. Types of water surface profiles occurring from left to right are
H2 , S3
H2 , S2
H2 , M2
H3 , M2
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Correct Answer: Option

Consider the following methods of preservation of timber :
1. Dipping
2. Brushing or spraying
3. Pressure impregnation
The correct sequence in decreasing order of the effectiveness of these methods of preservation is
1, 2, 3
2, 1, 3
3, 1, 2
3, 2, 1
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

To generate 10, 000 hp under a head of 81 m while working at a speed of 500 rpirt, the turbine of choice would be
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

While driving a large number of piles in loose sand :
It is advantageous to follow a sequence of pile driving such that the inner piles are driven first and then proceed outwards
It is advantageous to follow a sequence of pile driving such that the piles near the periphery are driven first and inner piles are driven later
It is advantageous to follow a sequence of pile driving such that alternately inner and outer piles are driven
Driving of piles can be done in any random order
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

Consider the following statement: High early strength of cement is obtained as a result of
1. fine grinding.
2. decreasing the lime content
3. burning at higher temperatures
4. increasing the quantity of gypsum.
Of these statements :
1 and 2 are correct
1 and 3 are correct
2, 3 and 4 are correct
1, 3 and 4 are correct
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

The moment of inertia of a given rectangular area is minimum about
its longer centroidal axis
its polar axis
its axis along the diagonal
its shorter centroidal axis
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

Which one of the following statements is correct ? Compared to IFR conditions, the runaway capacity of a runway operating under VFR consitions
is higher
is lower
is the same
cannot be generalised
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

An open cylindrical vessel with axis vertical and filled with a liquid is falling freely with an acceleration What will be the absolute pressure at the base of the vessel ?
Equal to liquid column
Below atmospheric pressure
Above atmosphere pressure
Equal to atmosphere pressure
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

A rigid bar is supported by a spring as shown in the given figure.

The deflection of the point B will be
10 mm upward
20 mm downward
5 mm upward
40 mm downward.
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Correct Answer: Option

The Force in spring F = (500x2L)/L = 1000N.

Deflection in the spring δ = F/k = 1000/50 = 20mm.

Deflection at the point B = 2δ = 40mm downward.

In a direct shear test the shear stress and normal stress on a dry sand sample at failure are 0.6 kg/cm2 and 1 kg/cm2 respectively. The angle of internal friction of the sand will be nearly
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

A short column of external diameter D1 and internal diameter D2 carries an external load W. For no-tension condition, the eccentricity will be :
(D12 - D22)/8D2
(D21 - D22)/8D2
(D12 - D22)/8D1
(D1 - D2)2 /8D1
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

For fish habitat in a river, the minimum dissolved oxygen required is
2 mg/l
4 mg/l
8 mg/l
10 mgl
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

The ratio of the torsional moments of resistance of a solid circular shaft of diameter D, and a hollow circular shaft having external diameter D and internal diameter d is given by
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

In the schematic flownet shown in the given figure the hydraulic potential at point A is
5 m of water
12 m of water
15 m of water
25 m of water
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

Following data refer to precise measurement of an angle A on the field :
(i) 2A = 20°10' - weight 2
(ii) 4A = 40°10' - weight 3
What is the most probable value of angle A ?
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

Which one of the following is the reaction of the cantilever at B as shown in the figure ?
3/8 wl
5/8 wl
6/17 wl
3/21 wl
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

The upper limit of area ratio for which the amount of disturbance of soil sample can be considered to be small is
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

Consider the following statements :
1. In a member subjected to uniaxial tensile force the maximum normal stress is the external load divided by the maximum cross-sectional area.
2. When the structural member is subjected to uniaxial loading, the shear stress is zero on a plane where the normal stress is maximum.
3. In a member subjected to uniaxial loading, the normal stress on the planes of maximum shear stress is less than the maximum.
Of these statements :
1 and 2 are correct
1 and 3 are correct
2 and 3 are correct
1, 2 and 3 are correct
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

What is the wave velocity for a uniform train of wave beyond the storm centre for a wave length of 20 m in 14 m deep water ?
5.5 m/s
11.2 m/s
4.5 m/s
9 m/s
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

The moisture content of a clayey soil is gradually decreased from a large value. What will be the correct sequence of the occurrence of the following limits ?
1. Shrinkage limit
2. Plastic limit
3. Liquid limit
Select the correct answer from the codes given below :
1, 2, 3
1, 3, 2
3, 2, 1
3, 1, 2
Your Answer: Option
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Correct Answer: Option

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