Non Verbal Reasoning - Cubes and Dice - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Cubes and Dice - Section 2 (Q.No. 16)

Three different positions X, Y and Z of a dice are shown in the figures given below. Which number lies at the bottom face in position X?

Cannot be determined
Answer: Option

From positions X and Y we conclude that 1, 5, 6 and 3 lie adjacent to 4. Therefore, 2 must lie opposite 4. From positions Y and Z we conclude that 4, 3, 2 and 5 lie adjacent to 6. Therefore, 1 must lie opposite 6. Thus, 2 lies opposite 4, 1 lies opposite 6 and consequently 5 lies opposite 3.

As analysed above, the number on the face opposite 5 is 3. In position X, since 5 lies on the top, therefore 3 must lie at the bottom face.

1 comments Page 1 of 1.

IMeetei said:   8 years ago
No, The opposite to 5 in a dice is 2 not 3.

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