Non Verbal Reasoning - Classification - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Classification - Section 1 (Q.No. 7)
Directions to Solve
In each problem, out of the five figures marked (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5), four are similar in a certain manner. However, one figure is not like the other four. Choose the figure which is different from the rest.
Choose the figure which is different from the rest.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Answer: Option
Only in fig. (5), the arrowhead along the circumference of the circle indicates motion in an ACW direction.
22 comments Page 1 of 3.
Jim Isaac said:
11 months ago
4 is the only option where the arrow on the circumference of the circle is accompanied by the shaded circle.
Anwith said:
4 years ago
I think it is 3, because it is the only one without a curved 3rd arrow around it.
Mathin said:
4 years ago
I think in this question, we can also say that the arrow is always in the semicircle where the non-shaded circle is present.
Babita Behera said:
5 years ago
What does ACW mean?
Sapphire said:
5 years ago
What does ACW mean?
Anmia said:
6 years ago
ACT means anti-clockwise and according to this, 5 option is correct.
Manju K said:
6 years ago
I think the answer can be 2 because all arrow marks are in down to half of the circumference but option 2 is above half of the circumference.
Kevin smith said:
7 years ago
I think 4 is the correct answer.
Shruti tomar said:
8 years ago
I think option 3 is correct because that dot is attached to an arrow.
Shruti said:
8 years ago
I think option 3 is correct.
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