Non Verbal Reasoning - Classification - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Classification - Section 1 (Q.No. 3)
Directions to Solve

In each problem, out of the five figures marked (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5), four are similar in a certain manner. However, one figure is not like the other four. Choose the figure which is different from the rest.


Choose the figure which is different from the rest.

   (1)     (2)     (3)     (4)     (5)
Answer: Option
In all other figures, the arrow and the V sign lie towards the black end of the main figure.
33 comments Page 1 of 4.

Bumsi said:   7 months ago
I think it is 3 because the orientation of the addition sign and the arrow are different than all of the others.

Saqib Tanveer said:   2 years ago

I agree with your answer but if we see that arrow in all figures is towards the empty glass shapes except 4 because it is opposite and in the direction of the glass's lower side.

Jiya said:   3 years ago
Now I get it, thanks everyone for explaining.

Papa said:   3 years ago

As per your view then every figure is odd because every figure has its own side like figure - 1 bold or dark side is facing down except any other, the correct explanation is, except 4 all arrows are opposite to black side.

Muzamil said:   4 years ago
4 is the only one which is horizontal.

Aman Kumar said:   4 years ago
The 4th one where the arrow is unfortunately towards the side shaded dark.

i.e , Here it matters is the *arrow pointing direction* and *the shaded side.

Vaish said:   4 years ago
All the figures has + and arrow is towards the side of black shading. But 4th option is opposite.

Shiv said:   5 years ago
I don't understand, please explain to me in detail.

Adarsh Pathak said:   5 years ago
SIMPLE THING the arrow is always away from the side painted black except the 4th one where the arrow is unfortunately towards the side shaded dark i.e., the smaller side though the smaller or larger side doesn't matter what matters is the *arrow pointing direction* and *the shaded side*

Shiv kumar raghav said:   5 years ago
Plus and arrow is white side but in all figure plus and arrow is the black side.

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