Networking - Networking Basics - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Networking Basics - Networking Basics (Q.No. 3)
What are the two main types of access control lists (ACLs)?
  1. Standard
  2. IEEE
  3. Extended
  4. Specialized
1 and 3
2 and 4
3 and 4
1 and 2
Answer: Option
Standard and extended access control lists (ACLs) are used to configure security on a router.
25 comments Page 1 of 3.

Lithoz said:   2 years ago
How does ACLs work? Explain.

Mugenyi said:   3 years ago
Thanks everyone for explaining.

Rakesh Kumar Madheshiya said:   5 years ago
Router is a device which used to connect internet basically router convert the analog signal into digital and vice versa.

Maruthi said:   6 years ago
ACL are a list of introduction used in router interface. According to These introductions, the router decides the what kind of packets to accept and want kind of pockets to Denny, this depends on the source address and the destination address.

They are two types of ACL.

1 standard - it controls the traffic based on the source address.
2 extended - it controls traffic based on both destination address and source address.

Aravind Kumaran said:   7 years ago
I am not getting the answer. Please give a clear explanation.

Sajjad said:   8 years ago
Standard ACL can permit and deny traffic based on only source address where as Extended ACL can permit and deny trafic based on Both source and destination address.

Priyadarshini said:   8 years ago
Please, explain what is extended and standard ACLs?

Shabbir said:   8 years ago
An access control list (ACLs) is a table that tells a computer operating system which access rights each user has to a particular system object, such as a file directory or individual file. Each object has a security attribute that identifies its access control list.

Siddesh said:   8 years ago
What is extended and standard?

Harinarayan Pandey said:   8 years ago
Please define what is standard and extended? And where both are uses?

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