Microbiology - Fungi - Molds and Yeasts - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Fungi - Molds and Yeasts - Section 1 (Q.No. 1)
The evolutionary record suggests that the first occurrence of multicellularity was in the kingdom
6 comments Page 1 of 1.
Nida said:
1 decade ago
In this polyphetic organazam is preset which uni to multi cellular.
S.A.Rahman said:
1 decade ago
Protista is unicellular eukaryotic.
Abhi said:
9 years ago
Protists is unicellular eukaryotic.
Dev said:
8 years ago
I think it is because the kingdom contains both the characters of plantae and Animalia, as well as it is unicellular eukaryotic.
Munish gangwar said:
8 years ago
Protists are unicellular eukaryotic ex. Paramecium.
Ayikabe Moses said:
5 years ago
How can they be eukaryotic with no distinct nuclei? It's confusing.
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