Microbiology - Bacteria Morphology - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Bacteria Morphology - Section 1 (Q.No. 6)
Which of the following may contain fimbriae?
18 comments Page 1 of 2.
Neljun said:
2 years ago
Fimbriae also referred to as attachment pilus by some scientists is an appendage that can be found on both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, composed of helically arranged protein subunits. These appendages range from 3 to 10 nm to several micrometres.
Younis moustafa said:
4 years ago
C is correct.
Because fimbriae found in few gram positive & archaea.
Because fimbriae found in few gram positive & archaea.
Urooj said:
5 years ago
As it said which bacteria may contain it's mean if they have few or more. Then the answer should be C.
Azeez shukurat said:
5 years ago
It is found in gram -ve and some gram +ve.
Polline said:
5 years ago
I think the correct answer is C.
Stephen said:
5 years ago
The answer should be B, because most gram-negative bacteria have fimbriae.
Harvey said:
6 years ago
According to me, option B is correct.
Wafha said:
7 years ago
Flagella present in G+ and G- bacteria.
Fimbriae present majority in G-bacteria. No/less in G+.
Fimbriae present majority in G-bacteria. No/less in G+.
Pooja said:
7 years ago
Yes, @Saurabh.
The fimbriae occur in gram - bacteria so I also think option B is correct.
The fimbriae occur in gram - bacteria so I also think option B is correct.
Saurabh said:
8 years ago
No, @Stella.
Because many, not all gram+ bacteria have fimbriae but all grame- bacteria have fimbriae. That's why gram (-) was the better answer I think.
Because many, not all gram+ bacteria have fimbriae but all grame- bacteria have fimbriae. That's why gram (-) was the better answer I think.
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