Mechanical Engineering - Thermodynamics - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Thermodynamics - Section 1 (Q.No. 3)
The efficiency and work ratio of a simple gas turbine cycle are
34 comments Page 1 of 4.
Peter said:
4 years ago
What is specific fluid consumption, work ratio, and cycle efficiency? Please tell me.
Himanshu Suwalka said:
4 years ago
Maximum power turbine is consumed by compressor itself and also air is working Media so max Power loss.
Salman said:
6 years ago
What is means by EFF?
What is means by EFF?
BMS said:
6 years ago
How to differentiate between low and very low? Please explain it to know.
Vishal kadam said:
7 years ago
Maximum power turbine is consumed by compressor itself and also air is working Media so max Power loss.
Majd-amer said:
7 years ago
Half and more the power produced by the turbine is used to complete motion in the compressor.
Sa0 said:
8 years ago
Work ratio is just the fraction or percentage of the work that the turbine produces that is consumed by the pump.
Hemesh Kumar said:
8 years ago
Because, efficiency = 1- (heat reject / heat supply) in case of simple gas turbine.
Hemesh Kumar said:
8 years ago
Since efficiency is a function of pressure ratio in simple gas turbine (braton, joule) cycle.
Pavankumar Jadekar said:
9 years ago
The fuel consumption should be more in this.
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