Mechanical Engineering - Strength of Materials - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Strength of Materials - Section 1 (Q.No. 24)
When a rectangular beam is loaded transversely, the maximum compressive stress is developed on the
74 comments Page 1 of 8.
Nagato said:
3 years ago
You're right. @Subhendu.
When a body is compressed under the action of a force, the restoring force per unit area is known as the compression stress.
So, the Compressive stress is maxed at the bottom layer of the compression zone in a beam i.e. compression is min where compression stress in max.
Similarly, the Tensile stress is max at the top layer of tension zone i.e tension is a min at the top layer in tension zone due to max tensile stress.
When a body is compressed under the action of a force, the restoring force per unit area is known as the compression stress.
So, the Compressive stress is maxed at the bottom layer of the compression zone in a beam i.e. compression is min where compression stress in max.
Similarly, the Tensile stress is max at the top layer of tension zone i.e tension is a min at the top layer in tension zone due to max tensile stress.
Navaj Mulla said:
7 years ago
Given answer is correct because actually stress means internal pressure to resist external loading as it is loaded transversely compression is at top and tension is at bottom but to resist bottom tension there should be compression force is required and this internal compressive force per unit area is nothing but compressive stress at bottom. So answer b is correct.
Tarun said:
8 years ago
The loading profile is not stated. So I can not understand how can one answer this?
If the beam is cantilever beam then it will bend concave down and the bottom layer is in compression.
For a simply supported beam, the bending profile is concave up so top layer will be compressed.
If the beam is cantilever beam then it will bend concave down and the bottom layer is in compression.
For a simply supported beam, the bending profile is concave up so top layer will be compressed.
3 years ago
When load is applied on a beam.
Upper zone = compressive zone.
Lower zone = tensile zone.
Stress = resisting force per unit area.
So reverse the above phenomena.
Upper zone = tensile stresses.
Lower zone = compressive stresses.
So the given answer is correct.
When load is applied on a beam.
Upper zone = compressive zone.
Lower zone = tensile zone.
Stress = resisting force per unit area.
So reverse the above phenomena.
Upper zone = tensile stresses.
Lower zone = compressive stresses.
So the given answer is correct.
M. VIDISHA said:
7 years ago
Here loaded transversely mean load acting downwards i.e. perpendicular to longitudinal axis of the beam, definitely question is the insufficient type of beam should be mentioned.
If it is cantilever beam answer would be bottom later.
If it is SS Beam then the top layer.
If it is cantilever beam answer would be bottom later.
If it is SS Beam then the top layer.
Smvec said:
8 years ago
May be:.
"When a rectangular beam is loaded transversely".
Load = rectangular beam.
Rectangular beam is made to load transversely (vertically) on a surface (longitudinal axis).
Then "the maximum compressive stress is developed on the [A]. Bottom layer".
"When a rectangular beam is loaded transversely".
Load = rectangular beam.
Rectangular beam is made to load transversely (vertically) on a surface (longitudinal axis).
Then "the maximum compressive stress is developed on the [A]. Bottom layer".
Subhendu said:
10 years ago
The answer is totally correct. You all forgot the meaning of stress, it is the resisting force, when the beam is loaded transversely, tensile force will act on the bottom layer. So to compensate the effect, compressive stress will act at the bottom layer.
Nishanth Kallada said:
1 decade ago
Max compression will be on top layer and this will decreases towards neutral layer and becomes zero at neutral layer, after that stress will be tensile and value increases and reaches max at bottom layer.
Vaibhav Patel said:
4 years ago
Shear stresses vary quadratically with the distance y1 from the neutral axis. The maximum shear stress occurs at the neutral axis and is zero at both the top and bottom surface of the beam.
Aleem Nasar said:
2 years ago
The given answer is right. Because compressive stress (not load or force) will produce in the bottom layer to resist the action of tensile forces or load develop in the bottom layer.
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