Mechanical Engineering - Strength of Materials - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Strength of Materials - Section 2 (Q.No. 10)
The point of contraflexure occurs in
22 comments Page 2 of 3.
Faisal said:
7 years ago
It is Continous beam only.
Anand said:
7 years ago
It occurs in all types of beam, hence answer should be all of these.
Pradeep gk said:
7 years ago
Because beam extends beyond the point so bending moment change the sign.
Because beam extends beyond the point so bending moment change the sign.
Neeraj said:
7 years ago
Overhanging as well as fixed beam.
Soubhagya said:
7 years ago
Over hanging beam is the correct answer.
8 years ago
Overhanging beams are the correct answer. I agree.
Neeraj said:
8 years ago
Overhang is the right answer. I agree.
RAJU said:
8 years ago
Fixed beam is the correct answer (point of contraflexure occurs).
Shubh@m said:
8 years ago
Fixed beam is the answer.
Shubham said:
8 years ago
In fixed beam to we get the point of contraflexure.
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