Mechanical Engineering - Production Engineering - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Production Engineering - Section 1 (Q.No. 48)
In ultra-sonic machining, the metal is removed by
2 comments Page 1 of 1.
Murthy said:
1 decade ago
In USM the tool will not be in contact with the workpiece. Therefore there is no chance of material removal by the tool. So there must be some means for removing material from the workpiece. The abrasive slurry (water+abrasives) passes through the gap between the tool and work. Due to the frequency of vibrations there will be force acting on the abrasives. With that force the abrasive particles impacts on the work there by removing the small amounts of material from the work.
Rakesh said:
1 decade ago
Care must be taken that the slurry do not react with work piece.
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