Mechanical Engineering - Heat Transfer, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Heat Transfer, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning - Section 7 (Q.No. 2)
Stefan-Boltzmann law is applicable for heat transfer by convection.
10 comments Page 1 of 1.
Peter said:
9 years ago
Fourier conduction.
Newtons law of cooling convection.
Stefan-Boltzmann law radiation.
Newtons law of cooling convection.
Stefan-Boltzmann law radiation.
Debashis said:
7 years ago
Fourier Law: Conduction.
Grashoff law: convection.
Stefan-Boltzmann law: Radiation.
Grashoff law: convection.
Stefan-Boltzmann law: Radiation.
Sumit kumar said:
4 years ago
Stefan boltzman law is applicable for Radiation only!.
Mohammed .omin baba said:
10 years ago
It is related to radiation but not convection.
Gautam jangid said:
6 years ago
Yes, it is applicable for radiation only.
Rajender said:
8 years ago
Thanks for the explanation @Peter.
Ajay gupta said:
8 years ago
Excellent explanation @Peter.
Jnk said:
9 years ago
You are right @Peter.
Ksrtc said:
4 years ago
You are right @Peter.
Narsingh said:
7 years ago
Good thanks @Peter.
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