Mechanical Engineering - Engineering Materials - Discussion

Discussion Forum : Engineering Materials - Section 3 (Q.No. 27)
A steel containing ferrite and pearlite is
hard and tough
Answer: Option
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Nvk said:   6 months ago
The correct answer is: hard and tough.

A steel containing a mixture of ferrite and pearlite is considered to be both hard and tough.

- Ferrite is a soft, ductile phase that contributes to toughness.
- Pearlite is a harder, more brittle phase that contributes to hardness.

The combination of ferrite and pearlite provides a balance of properties, making the steel:

- Hard: due to the presence of pearlite.
- Tough: due to the presence of ferrite.

Here's a brief explanation of the other options:

- Hard: Not entirely accurate, as the presence of ferrite reduces the overall hardness.
- Soft: Not accurate, as the presence of pearlite increases the overall hardness.
- Tough: Not entirely accurate, as the presence of pearlite reduces the overall toughness.

=> Note that the exact properties of the steel can vary depending on the specific composition, processing history, and testing conditions. However, in general, steel containing ferrite and pearlite is considered to be both hard and tough.

Gurudas Goswami said:   2 years ago
Steel containing ferrite and pearlite is soft. Ferrite is a form of pure iron with a body-centered cubic crystal structure and occurs in low-carbon steel. Pearlite is a finely laminated mixture of ferrite and cementite present in cast iron and steel, formed by the cooling of austenite.

Raj said:   8 years ago
Because it falls on the zone where carbon content is low (less than 0.8%).

Spitfire said:   5 years ago
But they are also tougher as compared to medium or high carbon steels.

Deep said:   5 years ago
It Should be tough.

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