Logical Reasoning - Statement and Conclusion - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Statement and Conclusion - Section 1 (Q.No. 27)
Directions to Solve
In each question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then consider the two conclusions together and decide which of them logically follows beyond a reasonable doubt from the information given in the statement.
Give answer:
- (A) If only conclusion I follows
- (B) If only conclusion II follows
- (C) If either I or II follows
- (D) If neither I nor II follows and
- (E) If both I and II follow.
Statements: In a recent survey report, it has been stated that those who undertake physical exercise for at least half an hour a day are less prone to have any heart ailments.
- Moderate level of physical exercise is necessary for leading a healthy life.
- All people who do desk-bound jobs definitely suffer from heart ailments.
Answer: Option
The statement mentions that chances of heart ailments are greatly reduced by a regular half-hour exercise. So, I follows. However, it talks of only reducing the probability which does not mean that persons involved in sedentary jobs shall definitely suffer from heart ailments. So, II does not follow.
9 comments Page 1 of 1.
Krista said:
8 years ago
A report of survey findings is in no way "fact". Surveys are as biased as the people taking them. So, the conclusion is incorrect.
Noelia said:
3 years ago
To me, the correct answer is "D". Please, correct me if I'm mistaken.
First one doesn't follow either.
First, the statement DOES NOT MENTION that chances of heart ailments are GREATLY reduced by a regular half-hour exercise. It only says you are LESS PRONE (maybe you are 0.01% less prone -I wouldn't call that "greatly").
Second, we don't know for sure 30 minutes is considered "moderate".
Third, it's not a scientific paper studying cause-effect, it's A SURVEY, from which you cannot infer cause-effect.
Now, even if we did not take all that into account, and gave for it granted that "less prone" is equal to "greatly", that "moderate" is "30 mins per day", and that surveys describe cause-effect, moderate level of physical exercise is not NECESSARY for a healthy life. It is desirable, which is not quite the same. You can have a healthy life all your life (meaning literally that: no health issues -no heart problems, nor lung nor ANY- and yet you never did a moderate physical exercise in your life. If you do, you'll just REDUCE YOUR CHANCES.
First one doesn't follow either.
First, the statement DOES NOT MENTION that chances of heart ailments are GREATLY reduced by a regular half-hour exercise. It only says you are LESS PRONE (maybe you are 0.01% less prone -I wouldn't call that "greatly").
Second, we don't know for sure 30 minutes is considered "moderate".
Third, it's not a scientific paper studying cause-effect, it's A SURVEY, from which you cannot infer cause-effect.
Now, even if we did not take all that into account, and gave for it granted that "less prone" is equal to "greatly", that "moderate" is "30 mins per day", and that surveys describe cause-effect, moderate level of physical exercise is not NECESSARY for a healthy life. It is desirable, which is not quite the same. You can have a healthy life all your life (meaning literally that: no health issues -no heart problems, nor lung nor ANY- and yet you never did a moderate physical exercise in your life. If you do, you'll just REDUCE YOUR CHANCES.
VAmsi said:
1 decade ago
Could any one say why do we specific way of explaining the exercise as moderate.
Rameshwar said:
1 decade ago
Physical exercise for at least half an hour a day ---This is explicitly mentioned in the statement that's why moderate.
Physical exercise for at least half an hour a day ---This is explicitly mentioned in the statement that's why moderate.
Rayan said:
1 decade ago
Moderate is too vague. Why would half an hour a day be considered moderate when no benchmark is mentioned and moderate "level" does not necessarily have to be measured by time.
Millie said:
1 decade ago
Just because one may be less prone to HD does not mean the exercise is a sure bet. I say neither answer is implicit.
John said:
1 decade ago
Option A is false Telling that half an hour of exercise reduces heart trouble does not say that it is the only way and so it does not follows that it is a necessity (logical error) for an healthy life. Replacing your heart by an indefectible one will give you also an healthy life, even a better one. Does it already exist It's another question.
Sanjeev said:
9 years ago
The use of the word necessary creates doubts over the truth of the conclusion I. There are alternative ways to remain healthy.
Ranju said:
9 years ago
Moderate exercise nowhere defined in the statement. So, the conclusion I does not follows.
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