Logical Reasoning - Logical Problems - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Logical Problems - Type 5 (Q.No. 4)
Directions to Solve
Read the question carefully and choose the correct answer.
Four people witnessed a mugging. Each gave a different description of the mugger. Which description is probably right?
Answer: Option
Tall, thin, and middle-aged are the elements of the description repeated most often and are therefore the most likely to be accurate.
6 comments Page 1 of 1.
Maitreyee said:
2 months ago
Exactly, I am not getting a clear explanation of anything about middle-aged. Anyone, Please clarify to me.
Exactly, I am not getting a clear explanation of anything about middle-aged. Anyone, Please clarify to me.
Palash said:
2 years ago
I think all the answers can be correct as it totally depends on narrator, how he narrates the mugger.
Slazzy said:
10 years ago
We can not apply our opinions but we must think over the answer. As stated in the question A, B, C and D are the four witnesses. Since tall, thin and middle-aged is most commonly the description given by the 4, we must assume that B is intact correct.
We can not apply our opinions but we must think over the answer. As stated in the question A, B, C and D are the four witnesses. Since tall, thin and middle-aged is most commonly the description given by the 4, we must assume that B is intact correct.
Nirveek Kumar Sahoo said:
1 decade ago
Why not option C ?
I think young will be more appropriate than middle-aged.
I think young will be more appropriate than middle-aged.
Arpan said:
1 decade ago
Maybe he was one of the witness and gave out these elements to the concerned officer.
Tulasi said:
1 decade ago
How do you saying tall, thin, middle-aged are the elements?
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