How could you have improved your career progress?

HR Interview
Points to remember before you answer this interview question:
  • Imagine that you are right now seated in front of the HR manager.
  • Kindly answer this question as best you can.
  • Post your answer now.
75 posts Page 1 of 8.

Siddartha reddy said:   1 decade ago
Sir career progress depends on our interest to learn new things by exploring and also working for any MNC company gives a simple way to make career better because according to me definitely a good company follows a best frame work to reach their customer satisfaction, so that every employee of that company follows the companies guidelines, from that he learns a good experience to make his carrier progress.

Devendra asati said:   1 decade ago
Sir career progress depends on our interest to learn new things by exploring and also working for any MNC company gives a simple way to make career better because according to me definitely a good company follows a best frame work to reach their customer satisfaction, so that every employee of that company follows the companies guidelines, from that he learns a good experience to make his carrier progress.

Chinnu said:   1 decade ago
1. By resolving weak points.
2. Personal interest to learn new things.
3 positive attitude towards work.
4 try to polish my skills.

Ruchika gupta said:   1 decade ago
Career progress are depend on our work profile. If I am ready to take different different challenges, learn new skills and ability to accept target, so automatically my career progress would be improve.

Nalini said:   1 decade ago
Sir, Self analysis is the 1st requisite for improving career progress. So Every end of the day I will spend some time to explore myself. If I found something wrong what I did in that day I will never repeat it for next day and I will think about new ways to do any work. By this everyone will reach excellence one day.

KAMAL SHARMA said:   1 decade ago

No body is perfect in this world in all area, and I am also among them. I had done the analysis of myself and explored some weaknesses in me, and I am working continuously to improve those weak areas. By doing this exercise I am seeing positive results in my career growth. I think according to me everybody should do their SWOT analysis for better improvement of their skills and hence enhancement in the career.

Kinsa said:   1 decade ago
I am basically a self starter and learnt a lot of things with my past experiences. I try not to repeat mistake in my life again which I have done once and get quite positive result in that.

Ashish jalit said:   1 decade ago
To improve carrier, self confidence, +ve attitude, smart working, hardworking, dedication, punctuation, honesty and wish to learn new thing are required. And I have those points so because of that I could have improved myself.

Rekha said:   1 decade ago
Career progression can be improved with great dedication to the work & willingness to learn new things. Success will always depends on hard working & dedication to the work.

Karuvarasan said:   1 decade ago
Sir, The question asks me how could I have improved my career progress. But the thing is each and every day I feel it is a new learning for me. There is lot of challenges that we face everyday and learn from them. Thus I am always improving my career in a steady way. Looking back I feel satisfied when I explore myself I can say I have changed most of my -ve into +ve and still working toward some other way to improve it.

Thank you.

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