What is the Difference between People who do Things Rightly and People who do Right Things?

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53 comments Page 6 of 6.

Udit said:   7 years ago
Hello, Friends.

Do things rightly and Do Right thing, both are right at their way. IT's a matter of perspective.

A person who Do things rightly has a quality of very good employee. AS the given task completed by full devotion.

A person who do the right thing has a quality of a leader. Have a power to take a decision the Right or wrong. Have a very well thinking and innovation in an idea.

Chetan said:   6 years ago
I think people who do things rightly always strive for perfection and people who do right things do from there heart without keeping the perfection formula in their mind.

Aryan Nikumbh said:   9 months ago
In my opinion, people who do things rightly can do anything but someone who does right things is a true hero. People who do the right things may fail sometimes but at least they are doing the right thing.

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