Should Sting Operations be Carried Out?
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59 comments Page 2 of 6.
Mohit Aneja said:
8 years ago
According to me, Sting operations should be carried out. There should be certain limits (regulations by law) related to the sting operations. If the sting operation reveals a personal life secret, it should immediately be suppressed. But if it reveals an act of corruption, it should be published for the masses to witness, given that no exaggeration of the facts is done while revealing it to the people (as is done in most of the cases). This way, the masses will come to know only the true facts about their leaders.
K.Anushka said:
7 years ago
It is true that sting operations indeed reveal the true 'corrupt' side of political leaders and famous personalities.
However, the corrupt side can only be revealed if there 'is' one. Therefore, sting operations must be carried out on the basis of one exact proof against the person in order to find more, and not just on the basis of suspicion.
Furthermore, supporting the judgement of the press council of India and Article 19 (1) of the constitution, sting operations must be of public interest and should be done and presented with great care in order to not hurt or offend the public, by the reporter himself, under the authority of the editor.
However, the corrupt side can only be revealed if there 'is' one. Therefore, sting operations must be carried out on the basis of one exact proof against the person in order to find more, and not just on the basis of suspicion.
Furthermore, supporting the judgement of the press council of India and Article 19 (1) of the constitution, sting operations must be of public interest and should be done and presented with great care in order to not hurt or offend the public, by the reporter himself, under the authority of the editor.
Loknath sahu said:
1 decade ago
As per my view, sting operation should not be carried out further. The story of sting operation in India started from Tahalka channel in which the case of Shakti kapoor, a film acter, was on news for the sex scandel. As we know each coin has two sides. In same way, Sting operation has pros and cons. But sting operation has 80% disadvantage and only 20% advantage. First of all I talk about some good aspects of sting operation like LIC scam which is known as loan for bribe. This is really good aspects where we need to stop this kind of corruption. But we think other side, there are many loopholes in sting operation. It is found that in India mostly sting operation is desinged by the media with fully planning how to execute it. Till now there were many sting operation have been, but overall profit is taken by the media while making breaking news.
Now days it has been the source of breaking news. The latest example of Uma Khurana, a principal of delhi school, was on news that she is involved in the sex scandel of school girl and exciting girls for the prostitution. But the most surprised thing is that there are no consolidated evidences.
So I conclude that through the sting operation only innocent people get in trouble and they need to pay huge amount in terms of image as well as money also.
Thank you.
Now days it has been the source of breaking news. The latest example of Uma Khurana, a principal of delhi school, was on news that she is involved in the sex scandel of school girl and exciting girls for the prostitution. But the most surprised thing is that there are no consolidated evidences.
So I conclude that through the sting operation only innocent people get in trouble and they need to pay huge amount in terms of image as well as money also.
Thank you.
Abhijeet bodhale said:
1 decade ago
Yes sting operations should be carried out but there should be some parameters for it. Sting operation should not be only for TRP or entertainment but it should helpful for eradication of bad and harmful things from society, and it should be present in actual condition not with adding spice on it. It should be really important and well deserve. And most important thing is that what happens after sting operation? some action should be take on who found guilty. They should be continuously in touch with what is happening with who found guilty in it. They should not leave it once TRP comes down. The result or actual punishment should be there then only we can say sting operations are helpful for us.
Jayati M. Sharma said:
10 years ago
Undoubtedly sting operations are legitimate weapon for an investigative journalists. Sting, anyways is not a new practice. Its been into practice since ages. We all have have heard a lot of Dadi-Nani stories about kings who would dress up like a labour and would roam around to learn what the people have to say about them or their kingdom. Wasn't that sting- hiding the identity using false identity to attain first hand information.
Contemporary sting operations may be termed as technical advancements of this ages old practice of truth finding Sting operations catch a person live on camera committing crime or talking about it; the tapes tell the story. Till here all is fine. The questions arise after this. How many of those who were caught on camera could be punished in the court of law? Does court accept these sting operations as a major evidence in the case?
How a journalist can prove that he did not plot the sting operation? Is it acceptable to violate certain legal/social norms in order to attain some video footage? No personal or professional interests/enmity exists behind the operation; and the most important- How will the "public interest" clause will be justified?
Probably, it is the last question of the previous paragraph which leads to most of the debates. For me proven public interest and effective end results are most important. Sting must lead to a legal action and punishments. If it fails to achieve this; it remains simply as a TRP booster for a few weeks nothing beyond it.
Contemporary sting operations may be termed as technical advancements of this ages old practice of truth finding Sting operations catch a person live on camera committing crime or talking about it; the tapes tell the story. Till here all is fine. The questions arise after this. How many of those who were caught on camera could be punished in the court of law? Does court accept these sting operations as a major evidence in the case?
How a journalist can prove that he did not plot the sting operation? Is it acceptable to violate certain legal/social norms in order to attain some video footage? No personal or professional interests/enmity exists behind the operation; and the most important- How will the "public interest" clause will be justified?
Probably, it is the last question of the previous paragraph which leads to most of the debates. For me proven public interest and effective end results are most important. Sting must lead to a legal action and punishments. If it fails to achieve this; it remains simply as a TRP booster for a few weeks nothing beyond it.
Sting Journo said:
1 decade ago
HI everyone. I am a journalist in a private channel. I saw your discussions and most of them were supporting the sting operations. I am happy for it and I want to know about my sting operation plans and need to ask whether they are ethical or not. I am not mentioning my name or place because it might invite trouble ;).
1. ) Approaching a Thaluka office and applying for a fake community certificate where an VAO gets bribe for doing so.
2. ) Giving pollution free certificate by state pollution control board for an old vehicle which emits pollution by getting bribe and RTO.
Its my pleasure if you can also provide some ideas for some issues.
1. ) Approaching a Thaluka office and applying for a fake community certificate where an VAO gets bribe for doing so.
2. ) Giving pollution free certificate by state pollution control board for an old vehicle which emits pollution by getting bribe and RTO.
Its my pleasure if you can also provide some ideas for some issues.
Balwan singh said:
1 decade ago
Hello everyone. Sting operations help people to aware about the corrupt system. It is a transparency between politician and public. Sting operations should be there so the bad face of system may be taken to in front of public.
8 years ago
I have mixed thought in this regard. In my opinion, sting operations are fine until it violates someone's privacy. Sometimes stings are proved to be very effective in dealing with the corrupt persons. But stings which violate someone's privacy or some private affairs that have nothing to do with the public interest are really not required at all. Such stings should be criticized and not given any attention. But unfortunately, this type of sting gains much momentum which is very unfortunate.
Eklovya sharma said:
8 years ago
Yes, Sting operations should be carried out but only when there is a proper doubt in mind of officials.
If a person is engaged in some criminal activities and his social neighbours know very well about it but are not able to get evidence then sting operation is the only way to make criminal accept the truth himself and before hidden camera so that everyone can know about it.
If a person is engaged in some criminal activities and his social neighbours know very well about it but are not able to get evidence then sting operation is the only way to make criminal accept the truth himself and before hidden camera so that everyone can know about it.
Amit Kumar Rai said:
1 decade ago
There is nothing wrong in carrying a string operations if it follows the journalistic ethics all the time.Also not all type of matters demand a string operation.There is no need to carry a string operation only to privy in the private life of a superstar to improve the TRP of your channel.The string operation should have a target of greater public and national interest to pursue.Then only it can be justified.
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