Satyam Scandal would Impact Foreign Investments in India

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47 comments Page 2 of 5.

Phasehymn said:   1 decade ago
Satyam scandal really was a shame for India and its position in global economy. But getting on to facts and figures of the scandal it was not the company which intended to do so but the employees. Its just that employees will no further will be trusted but as far as investments is concerned the investors only see the profitability of their investments and these factors doesn't come into path as long as they see their profit and safe economy to rely upon.

Ajay gupta said:   1 decade ago
Yeah definitely Satyam scandal was a shame on software industry but it does not mean that we are fraud. But Satyam has already commit a tremendous mistake so we have to suffer and try to mend our mistake by providing good services to our investors.

Arun said:   1 decade ago
hi friends..!!
Satyam scandal was an drawback for india.. But the investment of foreign nations will not effect due to this issue... Even now india is the best developing nations among in the world. Many investors are ready to invest in india..
Even Obama said tat he is gonna invest more money for health care in india.. Its our strength

Venkatesh said:   1 decade ago
Hello friends.

I do agree with many of our friends view on it that satyam scandal is not going to hurt our future business. Though our govt is taking it as a serious issue so I think that we will not come across same problm with rest of the compys again. Nd we will have nice business with other countries in future.

Jyoti said:   1 decade ago
Yes Its very much true that the Satyam scandal has brought great shame to our country and has also put a great impact on our foreign investments. Though there are many software companies in our country but each company has its own importance and Satyam too had its part of share in the upliftment of our economy. And now the same way it has its part of share in bringing down our economy and posing a threat to the foreign investments. Of-course there will be investments but such irregularities makes the investees sceptical of their investments in our country.

Dev said:   1 decade ago
Yes I agree that satyam scandel creats a negative impact on our reputation and definately it force to FII to think twice before investing in India I would like to explain it with the help of a situation if an investor want to invest in India so he or she is in 50- 50 situation so investor go with against investment because therer many other options like china, we are emerging market and in good position thats why FII comes in India because everyone [investor] are looking 4 profit but scandels like satayam can decrese the FII no can determine it impact or not it may be more if satayam not do this.

Mamta Prajapati said:   1 decade ago
Yes I am agree with given statement because every investor wants only profit but after this satyam scandle their trust in Indian companies will not be same. It will force to investors to think about before investing but in a same direction many other giant companies are making more profit for the Indian economy. Here this point is also considerable that there is not any country which is completely free from the curruption.

In a list of curruption india's position is 87th, so we can say India is at much better place then any other big countries. Now growth of Indian economy is such a satisfactory because India is called emerging developing country.

Madhuri said:   1 decade ago
Considering SATYAM just happens to be a carbon copy of the Enron scandal, we have to but just wait patiently before all turns around again. Sure, Satyam had its bad position, but then again, its previously earned reputation isn't so small that it be forgotten.

Satyam happens to be one of the major stake-holding companies in the market, and in due course it will show its bounce back.

And also now that Mahindra and Mahindra have taken over, and its entire Top management Reshuffled, its only a matter of time that investors begin to believe in the company again.

and as per FDI, it will continue to flow in no matter, because, we can see through statistics that even when Enron had its moment, It did not impact the economy as much as that of the scandal itself.

Kamal kumar said:   1 decade ago
Yes, it's true that the Satyam Scandal has brought a lot of disgrace to our nation, but it does not mean to look backward. In 100's of companies if a company is corrupt, do not mind for it and we should move forward, because there are still more 99 companies. If we sustain there for time it will not give any gain to us, only there will be loss of time because time is very precious. So for that international companies should invest in our country.

Beena said:   1 decade ago
Yes, there has a lot of change in the market from past 4 years as it is a recession time and satyam scadanl has come front in to the media. It has effect the Indian economy. But as the mahindra concored the stayam now it is inthe better way as it is now mahindra satyam.

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