Rules & Regulation Breed Corruption

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37 comments Page 4 of 4.

Amit kumar said:   1 decade ago
Corruption is a kind of mental vivacity which want to earn money illegal. Corruption is not curb through only government, every citizen of that country come forward to nip in the bud. Government can allot officers to file a compliant for corruption no doubt after all this measures we can able to eradicate corruption from root.

Dhwani said:   1 decade ago
Corruption takes place when both the personality -One who gives bribe and the other who takes it -agreed upon each other.

A single person breaking the rule will not lead to corruption, but depends upon the mutual agreement of these two.

Kapil Chhabra said:   1 decade ago
what I feel, there is a single factor dat gives rise to corruption and dat factor is greed.
People are keeping this factor in their mind.
So they are violating the rules and regulations. Why Govt orgs. are corrupted today?
Because we people are paying bribes to get flat allotment, for gas connection and even for a electric metre or anythingelse dat is required from the govt.

Anubha said:   1 decade ago
just to make rules is not enough.proper vigilance is also required.making rules and forgeting is of no use.judicial and legal system should be srtong enough to check that whether these rules are being followed or not and people who break these laws should be punishable with in proper time.

Anita said:   1 decade ago
When rules get too strict, they break by themselves. So they must be set in such a way that they can be practically practiced.

Eg: Not only in case of corruption, for students, if college is too strict, they bunk classes.

Shlav kumar said:   1 decade ago
Rules and regulations rather removes corruption. If rules are implimented strictly then no one will ever dare to indulge in wrong doings and will thus lead to a peaceful and idal environment. Imagine the world without any rule...say in roads if there are no rules then what will happen...what if no queue system in counters.

Supriya said:   1 decade ago
Its human nature to make himself free of any chains, even if that are important to keep him balanced. Rules are made to curb any nuisance or disorder or to facilitate people.but some homo sapiens, whose frenzied instinct is much more powerful than its counterpart..... leads to corruption

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