Public Sector being a Guarantor of Job Security is a Myth

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112 comments Page 1 of 12.

Ganesh said:   1 decade ago
Hi Guys,

In my view, I always have a predilection for public sector jobs. I currently work in a well reputed MNC company with 3+ years of experience. My work timings are damn good. I come to office @9.00 AM And leave sharp by 6 PM. I do not have any work pressure, work tensions etc, as I am into a project where we do routine tasks everyday.

I guess most of the Indian MNC companies do the same repeated work as such as in India 70% of the IT projects are support or maintenance oriented. Having said that, one could easily have a sarcastic smile on his face with his mind voice saying 'then why can't you people stay in IT itself, why a sudden shift unnecessarily?'. Many of my friends and colleagues had asked me the same question and I had a good answer for them.

When thinking about my future to stay in IT forever (at least till 40) , I had craven fears because of the recessions, satisfying the bosses for our promotions, the workload handled to me as I move up the ladder etc. I was not born to be a sycophantic toad anywhere and anyplace in my life to satisfy an unknown person and begging him for my promotion and career development.

When going through all the comments, I could observe that many people opinion for people leaving IT is because of work pressure, staying late night, no work-life balance blah blah blah. The truth is many people are unaware about other side of IT where people enjoy like anything by doing the same repeated tasks on a daily basis, not required to think much, maintaining a decent work-life balance with office hours of 8 hours a day or even less than that and getting paid much more when compared with public sector jobs as I do.

But when such people sit and think about where their future is taking them into, there comes a big question mark. Because in IT, only when you are a technically stuffed person, you can stay and sustain here for a long time. But, getting a techy role totally lies in the hands of an unknown person called as HR. I was very unfortunate to get into a techy project.

If my current project experiences a financial downturn (as estimated by 2016) , the client will stop paying for our project and as a result, we people will again need to search for projects and move further. The big problem in such situation is that if we are not a techy guy, getting into a project again would be a daunting process. We should stay in one project and one account for a long time to get our promotions, incentives and VISA processed.

These kind of unprecedented downturns will make our career feel insecured and unstabilized and hence, we people should definitely think for a career switch to make our life secured in a long run period.

I hope nearly 70% of the people who leave IT fall into the above mentioned cases. So, lets all prepare sincerely and fully stay focused and never lose confidence until we get into a good government job.

Nikhil Varma said:   8 years ago
Public Sector offering Job security is not a myth yes it does provide a security for your family and appears to be a recurring source of income. You will never get sacked or retrenched or laid off (except in the case of gross misconduct which is in specific should be proved against you in the domestic/departmental enquiry).

Bifurcating the public sector into further parts as PSB and PSU/PSE, one can analyse a slight difference in these two, since I have worked in both the sectors. The difference is off work, learning, skills you will in culminate. In PSB (Banks & FI's) the you can swim along the pool of diversified work, however, the security of job remains with a probability of odd postings and transfer and you can't settle yourself at one place. On the other hand, PSU offers you a competitive high salary, though not facilities sometimes but there is the security of your job which moves along with the security of posting and fewer transfers. The pity about the PSU is that you will never get the opportunity to improve your skills and knowledge unless you are in such department which is directly concerned with the working specialisation of such PSU (generally it is the technical field) or it's not in your veins to accept such pathetic atmosphere and silly procedures. The experienced people sitting there are pathetic who don't want to develop and excel themselves but won't even let you accelerate.

On the other hand, private Sector (i will also include entrepreneurship/start-ups in this) offers fantastic salary may be fewer perquisites, allowances and facilities) but if you want to work and have the capability to show and let people witness you, then nothing is the barrier in Private Sector. On my personal side, my brother is in the major company in the private sector and his salary is 3 times to mine salary (i am in a major PSU), both are in managerial capacities. So its up to you either have job security and don't do anything relax in your office do politics, misutilise your office infrastructure and tea and snacks and leave the office in evening, or have job security but try to do something and show yourself (it do require guts to go against top honchos in PSU/PSB) , Do something which shows and proves you in front of others which ultimately guarantees you job security and the capability to switch for better opportunities in a demanding position.

Public sector being a guarantor of job security is not a myth even in the worst scenarios of winding up, close down or Government feeding with the spoon of survival/revival packages. (may affect workmen but not managerial person, may affect perquisites or quantum of salary, but not your recurring source of income).

Bunty said:   1 decade ago
Hello to everyone.

It was really good to read the inputs from all the people who have contributed to the discussion.

To give a an intro about myself. I am working in an Oil PSU company. Let me first differentiate between government companies/authorities and a PSU. A government Company/authority is an organisation fully owned by the government And is not listed in any stock exchanges (BSE, NSE etc. ). The objective is not profit making and is setup/run for mandatory requirements. The environment is or is perceived as relaxed with fixed work timings and guaranteed promotions. On the other hand.

A Public sector company is an organisation with a major share held by the government It has to follow the mandate's released by government But still have to demonstrate performance and profit. My working hours are 8 hours a day but still I have to work at least 10 hours almost everyday (I am working in general shift). There is a proper performance management system for you with targets set for the financial year and marks allotted for every task set for you. There are goals set for you individually, you department and also for your business unit and quarterly reviews are taken.

I should say work is really tough and sometimes I have to work for few hours even on Sundays. The work cannot stop because the delivery of work is continuous and you would be always pointed at for not completing/delivering performance. Being lazy will not take away your job but will also stagnate your career advancement and may also result in being posted at some remote location or a difficult work profile. I have seen my brother working in an MNC and let me tell you the work is not THAT bad. Yes. Different companies may have different work environments.

Ironically, I am still hung up to this job inspite of being frustrated because the Salary is really very good. After the implementation of 6th pay commision, the salaries are high and all the benefits have also being consolidated into an accountable Package. A very clear CTC can be calculated and when I compare it with other companies and my friends working in Private organisations.

I really feel like keep going. To conclude. PSU will pay you well initially with hard and Smart work but in the later stage of your career, the salary hike is low but job security and Work-Life balance is better which becomes more important for many people at that point of time. Whereas, if you have a die hard Passion and determination to work very hard for the next 20 years and become the CEO earning Crores in compensation. Go for an MNC.

Dave said:   1 decade ago
Whether one wants to work in Private (MNCs/Indian/Foreign) , PSU, or pure Government depends upon the mindset of the person. While Private jobs especially MNCs provide higly competitive environment and excellent career growth, pure government jobs are known for stability and predictability.

A PSU can be best explained as blend of both. While you may see the lazy Sarkari Babus" in pure government (not every) and corruption because of no proper monitoring, at the same time you may see private sector guy exhausting himself to meet his target within time.

When you go to PSUs you may see the output is much better than pure Government Offices.

What PSUs score over government Or private counterparts are as follows:-

1) Higher CTC than pure central/state government, Equivalent or more than pvt. Companies.

2) Better work/family balance than private companies.

3) More Bonus/Incentives/Rewards for work excellence than pure govt.

4) More technical update for work than government Employees, comparable to pvt. Employees.

5) Better health due to no stress after work hours. High BP, sugar is common for pvt employees after 30.

6) Salary doesn't fluctuate like that of private employees during boom and recession.

7) Concessional loans for vehicle and housing facility readily available for psu employees.

8) Duty hours more or less fixed.

We can conclude that these sectors can be compared using simple examples:-.

Private job is just like equity market, very volatile, risky but may give more returns.

Govt. Job is like PPF or bank FD which gives low but guaranteed returns for the long term.

PSU is like balanced fund, having some job security along with good returns with low risk.

A friend of mine joined an IT MNC 5-6yrs back and presently earning say 25-30% higher than me. He says that he is satisfied with his salary but if the working conditions do not improve, he would take retirement 10-15 years from now.

And what I feel is that if I'm allowed to work till whatever age I want, I can work upto the age of 65-70 years. But unfortunately the age of retirement is fixed by govt. At 60 years.

So job stability, sustainability, health, family is most important than money. Best option is PSU which balances everything in your life.

Saumitra gupta said:   1 decade ago
I have worked in IT industry in MNC for nearly 5 years and I have observed the work culture very closely.

1. There are lot of opportunities for bright minds but office politics can let you down most of the times (will get poor rating and appraisals due to politics and delay in promotions).

2. Profit earning motto of company will squeeze you till your last drop - you need to work in night shifts, weekends, odd timings, can't take holidays whenever required.

3. Need to update yourself everyday - initially it seems thrilling but after the age of 35 with family responsibilities, studying, updating knowledge after office hours will be tiresome for work and interviews.

4. Work to salary ratio is not very encouraging - the amount of hard work and time you are giving and salary you are drawing is a mismatch many times. Moreover salary increment will be stagnated at some point of time.

5. No Job security - You can enjoy high packages but once the market crashes or company goes into losses, there will be scarcity of job opportunities in the market no matter how talented you are. Moreover employees with high salaries in the organization are slayed first and they find difficult in getting new jobs at the same or higher packages in recession.

6. No time for family - Both husband and wife need to work in metro city if they have to earn sufficient amount for survival, paying heavy installments, children education etc. So no time for children and couples (most of the couples can spend time only on weekends). Its sad but true.

The biggest fear is what if I have taken a loan of 50 Lacs and paying heavy installments of 50 thousand each month and I have been slayed off from the company and didn't find another suitable job in next 3-4 months. Think. What could happen to the family stability and environment.

And moreover wasting 2 hours of your life in traffic everyday in metro cities and no pension after retirement. Gosh. It sucks.

So please my opinion is that work little hard for a year and get a decent government job so that you can spend a quality life for next 50 years.

Murali said:   1 decade ago
Dear friends,

Thanks for the interesting discussion. After working for the Govt of India (Class 1 gazetted) and a Public sector bank as an officer both put together 20 years, I joined Private sector. We need to understand what we mean by private sector, there is no one general classification. Private sector is of multiple types ranging from American Mncs, Indian Mncs to Lala Companies and again nature of industry i.e., banking, IT, retail etc., Again we need to consider at what level you are joining and is your career aspiration.

In my opinion, if you are starting your career it's good to start with a global Mncs as Mncs are ok upto middle level positions. Once you become fairly senior, should move on to Indian Mncs. You are part of decision making in Indian Mncs whereas in global Mncs, you need await for instructions for everything even if you are a Country head.

Overall, think we should know our strengths and weaknesses. If we think we are good in our job (not only subject matter but also leadership, carrying oneself, soft skills etc. ,) Private sector is the best, you can move fast up the ladder, you'll not face bureaucratic hurdles. But if you don't have very serious career aspirations (C- suite jobs) and okay with routine govt & public sector jobs are the best. Whatever said and done in private sector, particularly global corporations, you are paid by results and not by efforts. Results means how you are contributing to the top line revenue or bottom line. There are high risks as you go up.

If you want to play safe and don't believe in high octane work, public sector is the best. There is no permanence or guarantee in corporations. But the good part is you will enjoy working because generally the work environment is good, no hierarchy unlike Govt, no disrespect, no bureaucracy. Private sector offers lot of learning opportunities, you learn everyday, travel across the world, learn multiple culture, you become a global citizen. You need to choose what you want. High risks & gains vs low risks and job security.

Ashish said:   1 decade ago
Public Sector: As the name comes in mind one must be happy but at the same time be very very very cautious.

Have you ever seen a duck, how smooth it looks swimming in the lake? But the reality is tremendous amounts of cycles of paddling it does inside the water, which is not visible. Government sector job can be taken by those who are judged by their attitude and character at the time of interview. People lie so much of not able to compete in exams and interviews. But sometimes, its the MAN who takes above the BRAIN at the time of employment.

They do NOT need people who say, I will do anything to get this job. Because they know later it will be trouble. Character, Sound Judgement, Self-Belief, Truthfulness, Innovative Ideology, Clear Mindset, Confidence (self NOT jealousy) are the common personal traits what attracts the interviewer in government jobs.

So many people are seen competing blindly with others, which is fatal for their own existence. As a young job enthusiast, one must remain positive, hopeful and persistent in efforts towards job hunting.

A target well set in time, and with the optimum efforts, right candidate can land for the job of his dreams.

Freshers are some times confused in career choosing, go for pvt or govt? It comes from the desire, how you imagine yourself working after five or ten years in life.

One may concentrate on his professional skills and then decide which way to go, private or government.

There are ample of opportunities in the market, and truly speaking, those who have the steel nerves of rising up the ladder of professional life, nothing STOP them.

The career does not begin with how you get a start, but how you see yourself, putting the efforts and still keeping the momentum alive to sail ahead and reach your target goals.

Patience, Tolerance, Continuous efforts, and self-belief. Do these words attract you? Have a better time anywhere private or govt, the pool is waiting for the dolphins.

Ishita said:   1 decade ago
Both types of jobs have their respective pros and cons.

I have seen the life of both the sides.

Public sector gives lot additional advantages in some cases while private sector has lot of boons with it.

1. Unlike Private sector where you leave is at the mercy of you supervisor / boss, in public sectors, abundant leaves are given for the full year.

2. The chances of growth in posts as well as monetary terms is there in private sector depending on your ability and hard work, but in public sector this is very biased due to the quota system. (SC/ST etc).

3. Both sectors have individual stress points. In the public sector, stress and tension prevails depending on the post but in private sectors, stress and tension is seen in all level of employees.

Some arguments were there regarding dishonesty in work in public sectors. I have seen the same in private sector also. It all depends on the mentality of the individual. If you do not respect your workplace, you are dishonest, be it in private sector or public sector.

4. Lot of additional advantages from national banks are given in terms of rates of interest and all.

5. Most important, in private sectors you salaries are dependant on your boss' ratings and review. But here it is not like that. Fixed salary increase after every year and pay commission. No one's review will affect your salary.

6. Last but not the least, in public sector you can work at ease because in private sector you will have your superior sitting above you ordering for projects.

7. In public sector also growth comes to those who work hard. It is not easy to get recognised here. The entrance exams needs extensive study. But getting into private is all about how good your resume speaks for you.

These are some of the features. There are many more. But making a choice of your career is in your own hands. Use brains and make the right choice for you.

Ritesh said:   1 decade ago
I am working in a PSU. For all those speaking about the easy life in a PSU. Please think again. Most of the Indian PSUs are the ones involved in infrastructure, energy etc. Private sector mostly caters to the corporations or entrepreneurs. These are the ones required to set up an atmosphere of development. If people think PSU employees have no head ache and can relax, think again. When you are involved in the operations or maintenance in these companies, a mistake can prove costly. Any delay in production, timely fixing of equipment s can cost so much in revenues or say power outage etc. Its not quite as comfortable as in pure govt offices of Municipal corporations. Its all result oriented. Besides, an incident in PSU finds mentionings in newspapers, because nothing can be hidden.

As for the learning, I think one cant keep running for long and say I want to keep learning. Learning is good, but at some point of time, lets say in 30s priorities change and you have family. You just cant say I want to be more involved in work and keep growing. You have to look out for your family time, see that your children are doing well at the school and take care of your parents. It is this time you must be there with them and PSUs give you that time after your work hours. Besides, the facilities they provide for healthcare and other benefits.

Private sector may provide learning oppurtunities but why do you feel that they only do it? They dont send you to school for learning. They give you a competitive environment. A result oriented atmosphere. Why do you need stress to be a good learner? Your learning depends on you. If you are good you will get noticed, whether you are in PSU or private. People at the top in any industry dont get there just because they are in good books but because they are good at the job they have been assigned.

Madhu said:   1 decade ago
Initially the best talent is recruited in govt or psu's but the problem with these employees is they donot update their knowledge over years. In pvt sector this is not the case they have to get updated with knowledge year by year for their survival. This way an average pvt sector employee earns more skills with advanced technology than the best recruited talent of govt or psu companies over years. The psu's talent is best initially but not over a certain time period. Let us take a simple example of a govt teacher, when a state govt recruits, best teachers are recruited. These teacher's get higher salaries than private teachers. Over the period the private teachers who earn much less than the govt teachers, perform lot better than the govt teachers. The private teachers update their methodologies, skills and try to improve the processes within schools year by year.

The govt organizations, units and public sector companies function well only when job security is removed. When job security is removed, people update knowledge and work hard for the sake of survival. I agree that some psu employees work very hard, working very hard is not the only important thing, updating skills too is equally important. Updated skills will make a person work using advanced technologies with less effort and if people do hard work along with this, the work quality goes exponential. With hard work the work quality will only be linear but with updated skills and hard work combined the work quality becomes exponential.

Removal of job security forces people to update knowledge, work hard improving the work quality and running the psu's in unimaginable profits. The psu's too will start recruiting employees in large scale creating more no of jobs with with performance based job security, good work life balance and decent salary.

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