Morals & Values among Indians is Degenerating

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122 comments Page 1 of 13.

Binu said:   1 decade ago
Hi friends.

I am also somewhere in my mind is in support of the topic.

I just want to say that these values have become the things of the past. We all are focused upon money and fame.

No humanity, no love, no respect, no care. THESE ARE THE MOST FAMOUS WORDS IN OUR MIND DICTIONARY.

But the question is why we have just become like this, have forgotten our real culture, our ethics. And are blindly following what was never permitted in our culture.

Some of the animalistic things which can prove that. " yes we are not humans on this earth".

1. Honour killing (its really a shame for our elders our society. And is a prove for no moral value inside in their heart).

2. Rape (nowadays gang rapes are more popular. Boys have been muscular, and what would be better place for them to show their strength. And kill the victim mercilessly, enjoying the blood comes out of the body. This can't be human behavior. Hence a prove that we are animals. And is very much clear that animals have no moral values. ).

3. And the most famous is chain snatching, killing for money, cheating. And our elders said that they have not learnt such type of lessons to their kids. But the thing is even they have not got the time that they can spend with these young minds.

4. And the controversial one is WHEN THE PERSON ENTER INTO POLITICS, he is filling only his pockets, take bribe, DO SCAMS, do RIOTS. They have just one priority to have the MONEY only FOR EVEN THEIR HUNDREDTH GENERATION TO COME. I mean let that generation to do something by themselves. You need not to worry for them, they will be having same brain, 2 hands, 2 legs. And that would be enough. DO SOMETHING FOR WHATEVER YOU HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED. And if little bit humanity is left with you then bring all the money from swiss bank to our people.

QUES is from where we would be expecting moral values.



Supportive reasons are:

1. Discrimination between girl and boy. It gives an unfair advantage to them that they are the superior ones. And is having every right to molest, to rape, to kill.

Because they always feel women to be the materialistic things, so they use them proudly.

2. From these they have forgot to show respect to women.

3. No one can deny the fact that more than 90 percent crimes are being done by the SO CALLED MASCULINES of our society.

And the main reason behind is that somewhere or the other parents are lacking in.

Providing them VALUES, they only restrict their girls for every wrong and right.

Would that they have understood this fact than the crime rate would have decreased, and ultimately the MORALS AND VALUES WILL BE FOLLOWED BY EVERYONE.

I am not really saying that the boys are only behind every wrong thing. Girls have also forgot their culture, the way to show respect and many more.

So be an indian, live like an indian, don't show lackadaisical attitude towards everything.

Sanju said:   7 years ago
In today's society every person in every street corner can give a fully convincing lecture on what the ideal moral values should be, about what's good and what's not, about what people should do and what not. You talk to any person these days he/she seems to be in possession of a perfect moral compass. Every tom, dick and harry seems to have beliefs, virtues, feelings, qualities and opinions of the highest standard. And with the advent of social media, preaching morality is now the new trendy thing to do. The internet is abuzz with videos, articles, memes, captions, quotes that are high on moral content. Everyday thousands of messages are circulated in whatsapp groups that are oozing with the morality juice. Every movie, every TV show depicts the triumph of good over evil and the ultimate win of morals and values. The world seems to have gotten itself into a huge morality preaching frenzy. So naturally the question arises, why is our society such a mess these days? In a world where everyone is fully loaded on morals and values, where every person seems to have a clear understanding of right and wrong, how can corruption, promiscuity, vulgarity, violence and every other form of depravity and debauchery rule? Why are people silent on these issues that are devastating society? I feel the only reason is that nowadays there is a huge difference between what people say in public and what they do in private. People's actions don't match with their words at all. People pretending to be at the epitome of all moral standards are usually at the bottom of it. People do only what is good in their own eyes and in most cases, this is just the opposite of what they are saying in public. For instance, someone preaching the importance of family may be the one cheating on their partners. People try to change the world with their morality but they don't try to change themselves with it. You speak to anybody these days you will generally end up listening to a lot of good stuff about life, about morals, about values. But when you enter into the lives of these same persons there is a good chance of you finding out that it was all just theory, meant only for putting on a show and not for actual practice. Nowadays we are also seeing the popularisation of simple high concept moral values. These are easiest to understand but hardest to follow. For example: Be a good person or Be honest or Be truthful or Be loyal. The whole moral compass is being gradually compressed into simple general stuff like these which everyone knows but usually find the most difficult to practice. Hence no one really bothers to practice them. Nobody really ventures into more complex stuff like how to be honest in a dishonest world or how to be kind in a cruel world or how to stay truthful in a lying world. One must remember that morality is relative and every generation has felt that their generation was somewhat more moral than the current generation. But when people are pretending to be someone and are actually just the opposite, that trend is disturbing.

Shariqa Nida said:   1 decade ago
I think this "moral value degradation' phenomenon is considered as one of the major problem faced all over the world. Of course, the degree or intensity may vary, but with the availability of the modern means of communication, entertainment, travel and such thrill-seeking amenities we can hardly do anything to protect our culture from the invasion of morally degrading trends those we used to abhor (detest; regard with disgust) in the recent past.

Consider the smoking habit of youngsters while still in high school or colleges and universities which were totally absent elsewhere. But in these days you will find almost similar degradation in many part of South Asia as well as in developed countries.

Another thing considered degrading is ear and body piercing and wearing ornaments by young males which were non-existent even a decade ago. Use of gel on hair to stiffen them is considered as fashionable in these days but these were considered as out-of-taste a few years ago.

Therefore, it is now very difficult to identify the criteria of 'moral values', besides those which could affect oneself or their environment, like smoking, to earn a protest or scorn (disdain, contempt, derision) from the society.

In my view, we need to educate our youngsters with bare minimum of High School level, considering the cost to the parents of low income group and the government patronizing of schemes like 'leave no child behind' in respect of education, food, shelter and health areas those may wean away the very poor people from doing morally degrading things to earn their living. About the middle class and upper class people, the parents have little guardian-control mechanism left to impart moral values in their ward.

Therefore, if the children of rich people decide themselves to be morally upright in their way of life then only it would be possible for them to 'behave'. Otherwise, there is hardly much 'control' left to influence them to abide by the code of the moral values.

Sorry for the long post, but this is what I have seen how the timid society got slow-degeneration right after we achieved our independence in 1971. The struggle for freedom has made us audacious in almost every sphere of lives activities.

Mohammed Cohen said:   8 years ago
India's ushering into the race for reaching the top is paying a very long-lasting and destructive trend through its mass media specifically through Bollywood. A plan by the socio-political scientists of Israel invested heavily in tomorrow's India through the indoctrination of its youth. The same that incredibly succeeded first in the USA that followed the same tactics in Europe and now in full swing in Asia to systematically through glamor, sex, drugs, violence, and dream of quick-rich schemes transform the future Indians into a directionless youth. Dumbing down of America is well-known fact but its implementation is now in full operation through the infestation of Mossad operatives with names like Mohammed, Ramesh, Sunil, John, Danny, Mohsin etc. These are the Mossad trained former Indian Jews who are not settled in Israel but now being sent back to make India implode within through Bollywood's rapid westernization through its movies thus penetrating the financial, military, political and its education system. It's all about dominating the future of Asia through Indo-China's total control of its youth! India has so far proved to be a perfect candidate to adjust the social engineering of its population. Pakistan is a natural next country as it is the ultimate goal of Israel-USA-UK to undermine its military powers to take over its nuclear capabilities. China the ultimate goal for the West. BRICS and its systematic demise have already started from Brazil, now South Africa, India and ultimately China and Russia. So the demoralization has several facets to achieve its goals. Bollywood was easily fooled through Hollywood's money and affiliations with big studios. Rest of it is history. It's getting little too late for India's Bollywood to reverse its gears as it is taken over with the almighty Western dollarization of its movie/TV business. Mody's election through Mossad's design has opened the floodgates of India-Israel-USA joint collaborations through its intelligence, military, banking, industrial and cultural taking over of India's control. Despite some minor efforts of India's government, Mossad has dug in deep and no efforts of India can unlodge them now!

Himanshu said:   1 decade ago
If health is gone, something is gone.

But if character is gone, everything is gone.

Teaching moral values is very necessary for the all-round development of a person. It includes discipline, manners and etiquette, behavior, control over oneself, politeness, strength, patriotism, love and care for each other. It also includes speaking truth, no stealing, becoming a good citizen. Moral values are also necessary for developing healthy and friendly relations with everyone. Loss of moral values is a direct loss of the country. A child must be given moral education at an early stage. He must be taught the importance of moral, ethical and family values.

By Family Values, we mean to have good thoughts, good intentions and good deeds, to love and to care for those whom we are close to and are part of our groups or communities, like parents and other family members and friends too. They must learn to treat others with the same set of values with which they wish to be treated. Ethical values define a set of principles of right conduct. A child must learn moral values in school, many of the schools teach the students to develop their character through books, moral stories, essays, plays.

An easy and one of the best ways to impart moral set of values and principles in a child. The child must be taught so as they must be filled with moral virtues such as wisdom, courage, justice. These days, we see some students misbehaving with teachers, people go on strike burning buses, including in bad politics or doing other kinds of harms, thus deteriorating moral values. They are having just opposite qualities of these moral virtues such as they start believing in injustice, tyranny, or may be cowardness. A child gets to know and can easily decide what is right and what is wrong for him, learns to behave mannerly in a society, he understands his responsibilities through moral values.

Moral principles held the world together. So, there is a need of set of moral principles and values to be imparted in the children to make them a better and a responsible citizen.

Adi said:   8 years ago

- Excessive promotion of entertainment, fun and pleasure seeking activities through mass media as though these are the most important things in life and there is nothing else to do or think about.

- Excessive use of sex appeal in movies, music, advertisements, sports, in fact in everything that spews out of TV and internet.

- Increasing levels of vulgarity, violence and obscenity being shown in music videos that appeal to the youth. Sex, drugs and rock-n-roll, the three mantras for corrupting the youth being put into devastating use.

- Excessive and unhealthy promotion of individualism.


- Vulgar and obscene tastes being developed in people that are reflected in the manners, words, clothing. The shockingly revealing and obscene apparel that spews out every year leaves little to the imagination. People are going to extremes to look attractive and make an impact on others. This twisted behavior is having tremendously negative effects in the minds of kids, the youth and also adults.

- A major portion of public time is spent in watching sports, movies, TV serials and endless chatter about non-existent issues. Seriously, is there nothing else in life worth doing?

- Permissiveness, infidelity and promiscuity in levels that was unthinkable a few years ago.

- People, in general, are more self-centered, less social, losing the ability to function in groups and hence more distant from each other. These days people prefer more to talk in social media than face to face. The human bonding is slowly dissipating.


There is no one trick solution to all of this, except for the people to wake up and realize that they don't have to follow everything that spews out of the TV. It's a fake world driving the profits of a bunch of extremely cunning people who know very well what's going on in the real world. We people are the real thing and to live like human beings is what\'s important.

Xyz said:   10 years ago
The alarmingly increasing number of nuclear families alone indicates how uncomfortable one feels in maintaining a healthy relationship between family and parents. In the earlier times a man had 7-8 brothers and sisters and still he did everything he could do to meet their requirements. But today we visualize a totally transformed state where a man cannot tolerate his parents for more than a second. And moreover his children also follow the same trend !

We feel irritated when an elderly person sits next to us while we are watching TV or playing a mobile game-we wish to push him/her out of the house.

If a needy man passes by us-we do not feel anything for him-as it is a POOR DAILY VIEW for us, and THE FEW who wish to serve the needy one see the attitude of others and move back. This is the condition of today's youth.

Earning money has become one's first and foremost duty, because he has to secure his children's future-and in this tension he forgets everything-all moral values. He would love to impress his seniors by hook or by crook, but cannot endure talking to his children, asking about their problems, inspiring them. And only because of this his children turn out to be disastrous ones in their time.

We do not feel ashamed abusing our elders and get agitated even if they ask "Where were you?" We do not mind cheating others, not even our parents. And the worst is here-kidnapping, harassment and the list is endless.

Today everything we do is just to maintain our status and nothing else. We would admit our ill grandparents to an expensive hospital-not because they would recuperate soon, but because "the world will speak of our financial status"! So is our youth progressing or degrading? The answer is obvious.

Anshuman said:   7 years ago
India is a country of Great Heritage where Great Priests and Saints took Birth and tried to spread the maximum Knowledge and messages in Favour of Mankind. They presented Various Theories and Formulated Various Ideas, some contradictory while some Very Scientific but whatever had been done was done just for Goodwill and Determine of humans.

But the irreligious, heretical, mean, and selfish thoughts spreading outside the country has severely attacked Indian Culture and Values.

It's not only that India was the Purest country but, the actual fact is that the influence of Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, and scriptures on people lead them to live a simple, and true life.

But today, westernisation has penetrated so much into Indian minds that people have rendered their culture. It's fine that people find far off things better but to apply those things in our lives we must understand the impact of those things in a particular region. E.G. Christians don't find wrong eating flesh of a cow because their scriptures don't worship it but in an Indian society where Cow is worshipped as the Goddess of the Ultimate Heaven, eating its flesh is wrong and is banned.

And eating even the flesh of an animal is actually wrong because Just fit the sake of a better taste, the life of those poor creatures is wasted. And applying such wrong habits is not what actually should happen. Instead, the values of women Empowerment, Education, discipline, etc should be applied to life.

And before questioning our own cultural habits we must first question our own knowledge related to that topic because little knowledge is dangerous.

Mark said:   9 years ago
Moral is an individual thing. Moral is not a simple word it encompasses your behavior in social environment and how much you value yourself. When a thing is said to be immoral then it means that that thing can pose you serious problem and the extent goes down to the level up to where no one can think of in that stir of moment or sometimes those aspects never come to our mind.

Some times things so simple can earn you a very big incentive just like few praises, remembering your anniversary and your wife's birthday, going out twice in a month and some random gifts and patiently listening her can make your wife happy (its not a formula but works with me).

We human including the intelligent ones act like a herd of sheep. Let me tell you something and then you can relate it to the topic. One day I was talking to a guy and he told me that he had slept with 7 girls. The way he was telling me this was as if he was telling me greatest achievement of his life.

And to tell you he is a very normal looking guy not a sex god. When I asked him is it not wrong the he said its normal. He dares to treat girls like they are bitches and just object of sexual pleasure and I have seen girls smiling at his double sided and enjoying the so called complements.

I think just because he does not gives your name in public and can make you moaning does not means that he respects you because he makes you moan so that he can feel dominance and i-can-make-wither-under-me type of feeling.

Diya said:   9 years ago
@Srishti Jaiswal,

I don't think only the 'youth' are to be blamed for the degradation of values we see today.

After all, don't most adults also keep up a facade of hypocrisy? It's really from the environment around you that one is influenced.

A few factors that affect the morale and value system of a young person can be,

1. The Media : In my opinion, this is the biggest factor influencing the youth. Haven't we all seen actors and actresses on the big screen taking long puffs at a cigar?

And this is just one example, to quote.

2. Parents : Once children are taught values by their parents at a young age, there is seriously no chance of going back. Of course, one must not confuse modernization and the value system, because they are aspects which seem the same, but are entirely different.

And nowadays, parents themselves are terrible examples to children! Haven't we all seen parents who tell the child "Do as I say, not as I do" Thank heavens for the good parents!

3. Peer pressure : People always want to fit in and you can't blame them for it, but you shouldn't let your peers affect your beliefs.

4. Other adults around us by whom we are influenced, by accidentally picking up on bad practices without our knowledge.

However, ultimately, it is up to one to determine his/her own path in life and value system. If they are fortunate, and sensible enough to choose and live wisely, good for them and for the society too.

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