Is India Aping the Western Obsession with Celebrities?

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28 comments Page 3 of 3.

Prasenjit said:   1 decade ago
well I don't believe India is aping the Western Obsession.It is 21st Century the era of globalization and we people still stick ourselves with our cultures and values. if a person follow an western trend we say he does not have culture. it is not right as every nation has his own culture and everyone has his or her own rights. Instead of thinking of critisising others we should thinking of how to boost up our economy and think of development.

It is the thinking of us that helps the politicians to make use of controversial topics of religion and other things for their own benefits. So we must use our diverse population in order to understand one another and live in peace and harmony.And stop thinking about criticising others.

Shiviya said:   1 decade ago
I don't think that there is any threat to Indian culture with any movie. Our culture is not so fragile. Please how can you blame any movie for spoiling Indian culture you don't say anything when there is a movie on dowry sati pratha so how come a movie like kank is foul. Its just reality.

Anuradha Roy said:   9 years ago
Yes Indians are aping western culture. But it is good for us. As if we follow our Indian type culture then we will not develop at all. How will we get modernized then we should adopt the good habits, good inventions from western culture which will benefit us.

But really if you can't ape don't act smart. And if you can ape so from today make your self a modern person. Always aping doesn't solve anything. Make something yourself which will be modern and obviously yours.

Thank You.

Manoj kumar said:   1 decade ago
In our country there is no dearth of the celebrity crazy people, who thinks that they are superhuman. People starts following every style of their icon. If we see today's cinema, they are mostly influenced by the western culture. Even they are depicting the thing which is not happening in India, like director like Karan Johar. This make young guys obsessed toward western culture.

Aditya said:   1 decade ago
First of all, Bollywood making films for business and to entertain us, and why we take the wrong part from the movie ? as we all know good and bad is always in the opposite direction, take it from Ramayana & Mahabharata is it our Indian culture ? If somebody think that movies and Information Technology are spoiling our culture, there will be always good and bad factor, thing is we need to learn the right one.

India is a developing country and India exports a huge amount of business from them so called western, if we are talking about to stop following western then we should stop everything. India will stop developing.

Kumar said:   1 decade ago
According to my point of view movie is the mirror of society and culture. The character played by a artist/celebrity is one of us. Yes I am agree with that it's not our present but it is what we are want to be that's why we are trying to follow the path of the celebrity shown on the screen. Because we like it. Not because we do not love our culture but in this way we are loosing our culture so we need to show the way of where we have to be not where we want to be to save our culture because it is precious for us.

Monu said:   4 years ago
I read all opinions from different mindsets one thing which I noticed is culture, tradition, etc.

First, we need to understand what it's really mean and how do they affect our life.

People are saying our culture what culture are we talking about India is not one particular religion based country. Our country is the substance of culture and tradition from all religions. In nutshell our country is secular there could not be one specific cult.

Now, as far as the matter of development with culture concern we should look at china for instance. All cultures which exists in the world today none of them are bad.

Being modern doesn't mean to forsake our culture instead of this we should remove bad customs from our culture with the help of modernism.

Jasmine said:   1 year ago
Western obsession was not only aped by celebrities but it was deep-rooted because of the restrictions involved with the so-called traditional practices and cultures. We live in a society filled with people who restrict the freedom of an individual and much violence imposed by people in the name of protecting the culture like caste-based oppression, dangerous rituals, patriarchial domination, etc.

The Honour killing was predominant in our society. This was one of the negative consequences of culture. But We have a lot of good cultural practices which we have to protect our Heritage and it is our responsibility to transfer them to future generations. So, Respect the Traditionality but mature enough to embrace the goodness in Modernity.

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