Is India Aping the Western Obsession with Celebrities?

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28 comments Page 1 of 3.

Manoj kumar said:   1 decade ago
In our country there is no dearth of the celebrity crazy people, who thinks that they are superhuman. People starts following every style of their icon. If we see today's cinema, they are mostly influenced by the western culture. Even they are depicting the thing which is not happening in India, like director like Karan Johar. This make young guys obsessed toward western culture.

NIta said:   1 decade ago
I have same view for karan Johar. Till now what all movies he launched are not with a inspiring message. We can take example of "kabhi alvid na kehna". I felt it very worst out of his worst movies. He is really making youth obsessed towards western culture as well as ruining the Indian culture which is full of lessons and inspiration for other countries too. In globalized world, it does not mean that we have to forget our limitations and obsessed by western culture. We all should try to take good ideas from western culture not the bad. But some Bollywood people are messing up Bollywood and Hollywood in wrong direction. It is really dangerous sign for our coming generation.

Leena said:   1 decade ago
Our motherland India has its own diversity in culture. we are part of it. many of them forget it,rather they get catched by other cultures.Its horrible. Not only in movies but also in some cities western culture has great influence.its really worse. we should not let our own country go down rather give a rising to it.

Gokul said:   1 decade ago
Each have their own personel interest. Its ones choice to follow or not, no one restricts. As some fundamental rights have been given to people. Some really try to ape. If you take the example of new generations, they always love to make choices, whether it is in hair styles dressing styles or life styles. And for options they look forward to our celebrity life. Day by day we have updating new trends so obviously we will have a slight deviation towards them.

Kumar said:   1 decade ago
According to my point of view movie is the mirror of society and culture. The character played by a artist/celebrity is one of us. Yes I am agree with that it's not our present but it is what we are want to be that's why we are trying to follow the path of the celebrity shown on the screen. Because we like it. Not because we do not love our culture but in this way we are loosing our culture so we need to show the way of where we have to be not where we want to be to save our culture because it is precious for us.

Shiviya said:   1 decade ago
I don't think that there is any threat to Indian culture with any movie. Our culture is not so fragile. Please how can you blame any movie for spoiling Indian culture you don't say anything when there is a movie on dowry sati pratha so how come a movie like kank is foul. Its just reality.

Prashant said:   1 decade ago
Indian cinema represents the culture & tradition of the country. It is the source of knowledge from which new generations learn the truth of life. Youth follows what movie shows & accepts that. So there are some film makers who shows the bitter facts of life which is not acceptable, but at some point its our responsiblity to understand the thing it is trying to show, inspite of implementing it in wrong way & trying to follow western attitude setting bad examples for others.

Rituch said:   1 decade ago
Ya I do agree that India aping the western obession with the celebrities, especially the childerns and the youth. Whatever their favrouit star does in his film for promiting his film like the adult sences, action they perform, the dress they wore in the film, the kind of language they use is really influence the fans. For example now the girls like to wore the jeans, shotrs tops, mini skirts instead of wearing the suits and sarees. Not only girls but also the boys of today stop wearing kurta pyjama and runs towards the jeans which has wore by shahid or akshay in so and so film. People stop spesking national language and started speaking that language, from which we want to get rid of before independence. So its a humble request to all indians not waste the hard work of thos people who have given their lives for making our natin independent.

Kusuma said:   1 decade ago
Hi friends, I agree with Rituch. Mostly we are fallowing western culture nowadays. The impact of western culture will affect to our future generation. The corporate world also changing our lifestyles. So according to my point of view movies and Information Technolgy are spoiling our culture.

Ravi said:   1 decade ago
Well I partially agree with the topic that India is aping the western obsession. But on the other hand its we who have to choose what's right or wrong. And the present picture clearly shows that the people of India like what is been portrayed by the publishers be it western obsessed. So I guess yes India is aping western obsession but until and unless it doesn't harm Indian culture one should go with it as there are many things to learn from that too.

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