In our economic matters, there is an excessive tendency towards the thinking rather than doing.

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36 comments Page 2 of 4.

Parveen said:   1 decade ago
Yes I agree with this concerned topic in our economic matter, when we talk about our policies and norms then it reflect very honest with high thinking but in implementation phase it entangles with corruption and not reach to our local public. Once Rajiv Ghandhi said that if in case of one rupee, only 25 paisa goes to the local public even then it will create good development opportunity but unfortunately it dose not happen. So we have to work strongly on implementation phase.

Pragya Saha said:   1 decade ago
In my opinion, planning is necessary for doing every work. And planning is nothing but a "thinking before doing". Without planning if we want to implement any thing, the things will be messy. So at first we should think about our goal and after that we should implement it. So our work will be reflected by better thinking. But we should remember one thing that thinking must be related in our country's development not only the personal needs.

Onkar puranik said:   1 decade ago
Indian economy is called as one of the emerging economy as we know. Since last few years we are trying to get a grand success. I think India is a democratic country and for that reason we people are first think on the situation which is happening. I think that thinking before doing is always useful to us because it protects us in upcoming problems. But sometimes over thinking is harmful to us. So it is very important to think before doing.

As the recession happens in India then this thinking and doing work will be very useful.

Dairavi said:   1 decade ago
The problem with our countrymen is we give a lot of importance in understanding things but not so much for implementing what we have understood. Here the situation is like these because in India its very common and an strategy of politicians that at the time of election they all made promises related to make progress in various fields including economy but after the elections they forget their promises and also they don't know how to implement their own promises.

Poonam said:   1 decade ago
Hi Friends, According to me India is a democratic country. Thinking before doing is really essential and good. If we do something before thinking may be harmful for us. But too much thinking and not doing anything is completely useless. Lots of bills are pending to pass but government always says we are thinking but result is zero.

Jyoti said:   1 decade ago
Its good to think before doing something, but too much thinking isn't good. For example- If a country faces famine, and if the system thinks too much over the problem, then before taking an action, the famine would have done all its work. I would say "Its better to do something over the matters than doing nothing. ".

Suzanne said:   1 decade ago
Yes this does happen to some extent because India is a democratic country and hence everyone has a say in everything. Therefore before deciding anything there is a lot of debate and exchange of opinions.

I agree that if its an economic policy for a big country such as India it has to be well thought of and not hasty. But as they say too much of anything is bad. So in this we should not waste time and resources. Also over-thinking complicates things.

Of-course it is easier said than done so lets not judge the government because since independence we have progressed a lot. Even during the 2008 recession India was one of the least affected counties. So the policy makers must have done something right, right?

New bee said:   1 decade ago
Thinking from all angles to solve a problem is essential. It should be for the solution of problem and not for the benefit of any one side. Then no one will oppose it. We should take a prototype of the problem and apply it in a smaller scale to test its success rate. Then large scale implementation can be done.

Shobana krishnan said:   1 decade ago
I agree with praveen, it is easy to blame others as we know 'very well'about our politicians, we are wasting our precious time by talking about doze invertebrates. If we bring back all the black money to our country unexpected things will happen to our nation. Being commonman we can't do ne tng but atleast we can support anna hazare to develop our nation.

Akashhp said:   1 decade ago
Yes, there is always a sort of delay in the implementation of the plans and unfortunately this has become natural characteristic of Indian politicians. For the boosting of Indian economy and to strengthen Indian rupee we do need to increase Export and decrease import and thus controlling deficit and for that there should be more production but there is always a delay in development plans. There is delay in infrastructure development, approval of new business policies and punishing those who are found guilty for violating the policies.

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