In our economic matters, there is an excessive tendency towards the thinking rather than doing.
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36 comments Page 1 of 4.
Crazy_protagonist said:
1 decade ago
Can anyone help me with this topic? I am unable to get points on this.
Rohit sharma said:
1 decade ago
In economics government policies are going on but it is only thought but not implemented perfectly politicians promise to develop our progress and country but not implemented enough let us take an example of price rice of petrol, sugar and so on it is not controlled so we can say this.
Vinod said:
1 decade ago
There is no doubt that India has produce some of the greatest intellectual in the world but when we take a list of famous inventors in different field then we can see that the share of Indians are at a minimum. The problem with our countrymen is we give a lot of importance in understanding things but not so much for implementing what we have understood.
This happens in every field. Take the case of finance. There are less than 2 percent of household in India who has invested in the stock market. At the same time we can see that there are a great number of people who know that our economy is booming also they have the knowledge to invest in the market. But they will not do it rather they stay and watch the action from outside the ring. So for our country to truely prosper this mindset has to be changed for the better.
This happens in every field. Take the case of finance. There are less than 2 percent of household in India who has invested in the stock market. At the same time we can see that there are a great number of people who know that our economy is booming also they have the knowledge to invest in the market. But they will not do it rather they stay and watch the action from outside the ring. So for our country to truely prosper this mindset has to be changed for the better.
Digvijay said:
1 decade ago
I think that the time taken to plan a strategies in India is too much thats because till the time the strategy is planned and executed it no longer remains the demand of the society.
Hence I suggest that instead of five year plans and ten year plans if India adopts a three yearly strategy planning and divide ten yearly strategy planning into three parts rather than two then then it will be more beneficial to the people of India will be able to get more benefits and satisfaction from it.
Hence I suggest that instead of five year plans and ten year plans if India adopts a three yearly strategy planning and divide ten yearly strategy planning into three parts rather than two then then it will be more beneficial to the people of India will be able to get more benefits and satisfaction from it.
Maddy said:
1 decade ago
The whole country works like a bullock cart. Everything here is slow. People speak and promise more than they actually do. So like our politician. The promises made decade back. But still not yet been fulfilled.
1 decade ago
It is easy to blame someone rather than doing something special. So sometimes planning takes longer time. But for long term projects it is mandatory to invest some time in thinking process also. We have an example of DMRC in our country where all the projects are being completed before time. We are doing very well in infrastructure development. However the speed may be slow but our duty is to accelerate the process rather than blaming someone else. We are the second fastest growing economy in the world, all we need to do is to keep confidence in ourself. JAI HO INDIA.
Prasanth said:
1 decade ago
I think India is wasting their sufficient resources by thinking the non-objectives things. One such example is, recently India had wasted more than 10, 000 tonnes of grain materials. If they make use of it the under poverty line people should highly be use it. So I think economic matters concerning more on that.
Yaiyai said:
1 decade ago
I think there is more of thinking rather than taking up action in our Indian economy due excess of ideas popping up from both the parties in politics or either in any organizations. If one of them agrees the other opposes it. Hence to implement the idea it takes longer time than other nations.
Robby said:
1 decade ago
India is a very large and diverse country. There are areas which are BPL and then there are SEZ areas. There are rich Industrial areas in one part and agriculture areas in another. Developing an economic policy for the whole country in keeping in mind the different regions is very difficult and requires careful planning so that no one 'feels' neglected. The policy also takes time to be implemented and it has to be passed down from top to bottom in hierarchy in the government. Having said that, I do believe that the government can improve the speed of the implementation. Navjot Singh Sidhu would have said this- 'business is like the English weather, it can change at any time of the day' (he hasn't said that, but there is no stopping him). Sometimes the policy is too old for the environment and its back to square one. Thus our ministers should take heed with that.
Divya said:
1 decade ago
Look guys i strongly believe that government is the one which behaves this way.. They just know promises they don't know the meaning of the word IMPLEMENTATION.... They just know to keep people on wrong faith.
This is the reason that in our country promises are made like anything but after some time there is nobody to implement those plans..........
This is the reason that in our country promises are made like anything but after some time there is nobody to implement those plans..........
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