Farmers' Income: Will India be able to double it in next 5 years?

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59 comments Page 1 of 6.

Sagar said:   2 weeks ago
Today, I am here to discuss the topic whether for the next 5 years, annual income of farmers will increase or not.

In my opinion for the past few years, govt repeating that they will increase money for farmers. But, years had passed. But, income had not increased. Many farmers left the hope of increasing income. Also many are leaving farming jobs and moving to the city for income.

As we know, Farmers are the backbone of India. But, slowly the percentage of farming land is decreasing. This is because no farmer is willing his son to do farming as the income is low.

Centuries have passed many companies have been built, but the income of farmers is the same.

I conclude with a quote "Jai Jawan, Jai Kishan".

Joshi Bhavik said:   1 month ago
Hello friends,

I'm glad to share my thoughts on this current agriculture topic.

In our country as of now, it is not possible to farmers income will be double in the next 5 years due to several reasons day by day land holdings of farmers are deceased farmers are not aware of new technology, farmers only depend on single farming practices and they are not using integrated farming practices which is the main source of better resources allocation in farm and well utilisation of all resources.

Doubling a farmer's income is a collaborative practice, for the accomplishment of that target farmers and the government both have to work hand in hand which government provide new technology to farmers and also provides different subsidies for purchasing agri inputs and machinery, giving better price for the produce of farmers.

If farmers and government both work collaboratively then in future it may be possible to farmers income will be double.

Shubham said:   8 months ago
Absolutely, our farmers are capable of doubling their income and they are very diligent, and honest. But they require the support of the government. If the government Provide them with relaxation on electricity, gives many schemes related to their benefit and gives new innovative technology items for farming they will grow. And govt. Should be aware that the youth to do farming because without farming nothing possible. Now, in foreign countries, they built many innovative products that make their work so easy and fast so we all should take some steps to take these innovations in our countries.

Arnab Banerjee said:   10 months ago
India is a developing country and this development is mostly on the farmers. From independence, the Indian government continuously brought a lot of initiatives for our farmers, because the government also know these farmers are the backbone of our country. There is a television channel named Krishi Darshan, dedicated only to the farmers. Many initiatives are taken to Krishan Nidhi Samman Yojna in which every farmer gets Rs 6000 every year, and Kusum Yojna in which farmers get incentives to install solar pumps. But still, to make farmer's income double in 5 years government must take some more actions like giving them the chance to sell their products without any agents, providing the proper environment for farming, proper education on modern ways of farming, crop insurance, subsidies for tractors and irrigation and many more. In the end, I must say, we can call India a developed country only if we can see our farmers smiling.

Nancy Sharma said:   11 months ago
Hello Friends.

I'm glad to share my thoughts with you all on such a crucial topic.

As we all know the people of our country or let's say a large number of our population are dependent on farming. As farmers should get exclusive rights for their crops it is only happening on paper, in reality, they are not even getting the correct price for their crops. Our honorable government has launched many schemes but they are in vain if the people are not connected to technology which is the case most of the time. The change will happen but it is hard to say if it will take five years or ten years.

Thank you.

Anomie said:   12 months ago
In my opinion, in the next 5 years India will double it because farmers are the most hard-working people in our country in Farming is one of the most important things in our life without farming we wouldn't get food to eat. Now the generation of people were didn't like farming and farming was decreasing Day by day due to the increasing population their lands are decreasing.

So the farmer's income in India will be able to double in the next 5 years.

Baidya said:   1 year ago
Good evening team.

My name is Baidya.

I’m glad to start the discussion on the topic. Will the income of farmers double in the next five years?

In my opinion, yes, the income of farmers will double in the upcoming five years because several initiatives have been taken by the Indian government like the PM Kisan scheme, under which the government provides Rs. 6000 as assistance in terms of financial, which helps farmers to purchase, high-quality seeds and Khad hence productivity of agriculture is improving day by day. The second scheme that was launched is Kusum Yojana in which the government provides incentives to install solar pumps. Hence burden of electricity bills be reduced and more savings for farmers in terms of finances hence it could be concluded that within five years with the help of several government schemes, the farmer's income will double.

Shubh Patel said:   1 year ago
Good afternoon to all of you.

My name is Shubh Patel.

With your permission, I will start a group discussion.

According to my opinion, in five years, farmer income will not double.

Because there are many reasons.
The government make many policies, scheme and other benefit but farmer is not aware of these. So these are not fully utilised by the farmer. In 2016 Government also made a target in 2022 for farmers to double their income but it did not happen. But the Government is making many tries to increase income. Farmer Land Holding capacity is also decreased so production is decreased, the water level is decreased, more pesticide usage than resistance in the pest, and climate change also affects farmer income.

Rahul chaudhari said:   1 year ago
Hello guys,

I am discussing farmers' income in the next 5 years.

Farmers are the building blocks of the country. He works in a farm to get food to all people. But the correct rate never gets to the farmer. Inner businessmen and many other people take benefits of small and poor farmers. As farmer's income increases, prices of all goods also increase so I don't think that there will be double income of Indian farmers in the next 5 years. To achieve this government should have to mention one rate of a particular crop at particular day, and there should be booking slots for the convenience of farmers. No internal agents or businessmen should interfere in the system. This might be beneficial for farmers.

The government has taken many actions already and should be taking many actions like;

The government starts a scheme in which farmers get 6000 rupees in every year.

The government takes action by which farmers can sell their crops to market without the help of any agent.

The government also encourages farmers to do organic farming.

The government also start a national-level program on television in which good farmers consult farmists and tell them how to improve the quality and production of crops.

Talking about us, we are the citizens of the country where the farmers are dying due to loss. We can also help them, by a small campaign in our nearby village, to help them in gaining knowledge about the new technologies and methods of farming. They are illiterate and have lack knowledge so it is our duty to provide them with this kind of knowledge.

Nagaraju said:   2 years ago
My name is Nagaraju.

Today, I am discussing with you one of the main important topics. The topic is Farmer's conditions in our country. I think, My opinion Farmers are the backbone or worriers in our country. The population is day by day increasing in our country but Farmer's land day by day decreasing. I think you know that our country is a farming country so please cooperate with Farming. As a Farmer, I am saying that Farmers have very hard workers it can't work any type of person. Finally, I appreciate Farmer's hard work. Central Government has provided some schemes like PMKSNY This Scheme will be provided as 6000/- rupees for every farmer every year and all state Governments have provided some schemes so use it each and every farmer. As of now, I think Farmers counting the next five years increasing and Central and State Governments have more helpful for the next further years.

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