Do we really Need Education to be Successful?

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261 comments Page 26 of 27.

Juveria Ilyas said:   9 years ago
In today's life education is not compulsory to gain success but to be a successful person education is must in a particular field for which one has to study but nowadays students are taking education as do or die which results in personal hesitation and suicides so this thinking should be stopped because education is not about getting worried for marks it's about learning and becoming a confident and positive person to achieve success.

Rajesh chouhan said:   9 years ago
Hello, everyone. In my opinion, education and skills are keys to success. And essentially Education is key to be ethical and it teaches us moral values, which is required at each and every step of our life. By our skills, hard work, dedication and consistency, we can succeed in our life. Success doesn't only mean to earn lot's of money, but it also means how much you care about your loved one's and your the people around you.

And education teaches you the ethics and moral values. Therefore, it is required to be successful.

Ashish shah said:   9 years ago

How would a SUCCESSFUL PERSON calculate ROI while investing in stocks, mutual funds, gold, real estate, security savings, insurances, mediclaims - if one had not developed abilities to forecast?

Put it simple, if you were the OWNER of your company, would you invest to SUCCEED by hiring educated or uneducated people?

The FOUNDERS of great companies succeeded uneducated but they EMPLOY large work-forces of qualified people !!!

The future SUCCESS lies in our young curious minds who can take up inventions ahead. The past scientists and great men of their times could start-off uneducated, but, they have already CREATED those gadgets which today's generation should (learn) get educated, to take up EXPLORATIONS forward.

The future holds travel to MARS, FLYING CARS, CARBON CONTROLS, ROBOTICS, VIRTUAL which the EDUCATED shall be the front-runners, with rarest exceptions of the uneducated.

If you may be one of those rarest among the 7 billion +, take your call.

Else, EDUCATION is the beginning to start your journey towards SUCCESS.

Zachary Frazier said:   9 years ago
Why do so many people care about this fantasy called "success". Just live life. Whatever happens happens. You can't change a thing that happens to you or anyone else. Education isn't in any way important in reality, but this world of dumb people want to make life harder than it should be by saying you need the education to make it in life. As long as you're alive and saved from your annoying sins, it doesn't matter. We all die anyway, so just live.

Sandeep Dhakarey said:   9 years ago
Education is must to be a successful person, it is not necessary that you should be very high educated to be a successful person (at least post-matric), I will take the example of Ambani brothers, Richard Branson, Dave Thomas.

People says that cricketers and politicians are not educated, I agree but very few cricketers are without education and politicians are required to be educated because this is the basic need to file her name for any election and politician is the person who runs our country, use people's money for the development of our country. If politicians are not educated how they will come to know about GDP of the country which is in their hand, how they will come to know about any rule which is to be implemented.

There are some people who are not educated but they are very rich and successful but we have to see the percentage of these type of people which is very very less.

The country can not run if the people of the country are not educated because education is the basic demand to understand anything which happen.

So I am in the favor of the requirement of education to be a successful person.

Talent manyonga said:   9 years ago
You do not need to be educated to be successful. Success is all about how greatly you want to live your life. Success is how you socialise in your everyday life. SO THINK BIG.

Jai said:   9 years ago
The first thing we have to remember is that without education we are nothing in today's world because this world wants a person who knows basics of education.

And as for success is a concern, success does not totally depend on education only, success depends on more than this factors like self-confidence, dedication, the level of trying etc. So we can't relate both success and education.

Dev Mishra said:   9 years ago
If you say that education is really important for success then what can you say about the politicians and our great cricketers the can earn crores.

Some politicians can earn through bad means like corruptions but cricketers, they are given a huge amount of money by brands, sponsors, etc.

I don't know why educated people can't understand this problem. Where is the money coming from?

Friends this money is coming from our pocket like when we watch their ads, their live matches on TVs, or when we go directly to the stadium for watching their matches.

Have you ever seen any cricketers thanking the crowd by saying that when the crowd cheered so we got the confidence to score more?

Instead, they tell about the pitch conditions, team coordinations, training, efforts given toward the match, etc.

We really should think about this seriously.

Somesh said:   9 years ago
Education is necessary and much needed for Human Beings in today's world for getting success. That was the main difference between humans and animals.

Initially, Humans started to write things what they learned in different forms for their descendants, where education starts. But For animals, there are no previous writings.

Nowadays even educated peoples also struggling to get jobs. Because In India education system not up to the standards. Even Degree passed student unable to solve basic questions (mathematical/any) due to the blind education (graded) system in India.

Observing and Analyzing in positive & the creative way is the key to success where education starts which leads to success.

Devarsh patel_the philosopher said:   9 years ago
Hi everyone,

I read your opinions. About why education is not important in our life. But I would like to say that education may not be key of happiness but it definitely is key of other things which come together and make you more happier in your life. Apart from that look at the education background of successful once, I think that is not enough if we compare their success.

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