General Knowledge - Biology - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Biology - Section 1 (Q.No. 13)
Plants absorb most part of water needed by them through their
17 comments Page 1 of 2.
Sindhuja.m said:
1 decade ago
Does root hairs contains pores to absorb water?
Kanhaiya said:
1 decade ago
Yes, and root contain xylem which transport water from root to different part of plant. Root hair help to absorb water from soil.
Vasan said:
1 decade ago
Yes root very impartant of plant parts which transport water from the root to various part.
Bhavana said:
1 decade ago
Root is base of a plant. So it absorb most part of water needed naa. Is it right.
Avinsh said:
1 decade ago
Yes they contain pores and root hairs consists of vascular tissues so root hairs so they conduct water from soil.
R.Pavani reddy said:
1 decade ago
Root hairs are important to plants they absorb water and nutrients through the root hairs.
B.Jayasree said:
1 decade ago
Root hairs have pores and vascular tissues and they are elongated in the soil and absorb soil.
Vaishu said:
1 decade ago
In general, root hairs are made up of cellulose and cellulose is hydrophilic in nature. Hydrophilic means a compound which has attraction of water. So root hair absorb water.
Nitish singh said:
1 decade ago
What is embryonic zone?
Sin said:
10 years ago
Root hairs are primary site for absorption.
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