Electronics and Communication Engineering - Satellite Communication - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Satellite Communication - Section 1 (Q.No. 2)
Rotation of a geosynchronous satellite means its
16 comments Page 1 of 2.
Syed Danish Ahmad said:
1 decade ago
What is geosynchronous satellite?
Engr azeem mirza said:
1 decade ago
Geostationary orbit which moved around earth at a distance of 3000 4000 km and move as earth moved it is length is 1 sidereal day.
Swati said:
1 decade ago
What is wobbing?
Atul said:
1 decade ago
Its the satellite that has fixed position with respect to the earth. If satellite is fixed on Mumbai then it will revolve around the earth in such a way that it will remain on Mumbai.
Sneha said:
10 years ago
What is sidereal day?
SAN said:
10 years ago
How many geosynchronous satellite are there presently?
Kumari said:
10 years ago
You know one thing that it requires only 4 satellites to cover entire earth.
Venkatchary said:
9 years ago
How many satellites required to cover the entire earth at a time?
A.W.Yaqoob said:
9 years ago
There are 3 Geosynchronous Satellite that cover whole earth. Geosynchronous Satellite appears at a fix point due to the same speed as of earth. The term "Synchronous".
Rahul said:
9 years ago
What is the meaning of wobbling and geosynchronous?
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