Electronics and Communication Engineering - Electromagnetic Field Theory - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Electromagnetic Field Theory - Section 1 (Q.No. 2)
A broadside array consisting of 200 cm wavelength with 10 half-wave dipole spacing 10 cm. And if each array element feeding with 1 amp. current and operating at same frequency then find the half power beamwidth
Answer: Option
9 comments Page 1 of 1.
Prithwiraj said:
8 years ago
I do not get it, someone please explain it.
Rohit kumar said:
6 years ago
Beam Width Between First Nulls (BWFN).
Ravneet said:
8 years ago
This should be 2 radians not degrees.
Abhi said:
5 years ago
Boi said:
4 years ago
Explain what units are used?
Deepika Dhabhade said:
8 years ago
Why n value is taken as 20?
Selca said:
7 years ago
d =λ divide by what?
Yash said:
5 years ago
What are HPBW and BWFN?
Ragini said:
8 years ago
n is number of dipole.
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