Electronics and Communication Engineering - Analog Electronics - Discussion
Discussion Forum : Analog Electronics - Section 1 (Q.No. 4)
If the input to the ideal comparator shown in the figure is a sinusoidal signal of 8 V (peak to peak) without any DC component, then the output of the comparator has a duty cycle of

Answer: Option
30 comments Page 1 of 3.
Adil Tanveer said:
3 years ago
Thanks all for explaining this.
Ash said:
3 years ago
Thanks @Faisal, @Mona.
Santosh Gupta said:
4 years ago
Thanks @Faisal, Mani & Haritha.
Ashok said:
4 years ago
Thank you all for explaining.
Darshan said:
6 years ago
Thanks all for the explanation.
Kalyan said:
6 years ago
Thanks all for explaining it.
Mona said:
6 years ago
Why 5pi/6=?
Explanation is;
The total half cycle is of π.
2v is a reference so as per waveform projection will be at equal distance from 0 and 180°
now first projection is at π/6 and total is π
So,second projection =π-π/6 = 6π-π/6 = 5 π/6.
Explanation is;
The total half cycle is of π.
2v is a reference so as per waveform projection will be at equal distance from 0 and 180°
now first projection is at π/6 and total is π
So,second projection =π-π/6 = 6π-π/6 = 5 π/6.
Mona said:
6 years ago
Thank you all for explaining this.
Lakshmishree said:
7 years ago
Great explanations, thank you all.
Kanna said:
8 years ago
Please tell me how we got 5π/6?
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