Electrical Engineering - RLC Circuits and Resonance - Discussion
Discussion Forum : RLC Circuits and Resonance - General Questions (Q.No. 2)
In a series RLC circuit that is operating above the resonant frequency, the current
12 comments Page 1 of 2.
Nabin Baniya said:
6 years ago
Above resonance frequency, the circuit is inductive.
ARVIND said:
7 years ago
The reactive voltage VL and VC, does it cancel each other at resonance? Can anyone explain?
Pruthviraj said:
8 years ago
Resonant frequency(fr) = 1/(2 * 3.14 * (LC)1/2,
Take that root.
Given that RLC circuit is above the fr then we know XL > XC in case fr is more then current must be low and that case current should be lags by applied voltage.
Take that root.
Given that RLC circuit is above the fr then we know XL > XC in case fr is more then current must be low and that case current should be lags by applied voltage.
Sandeep sana said:
10 years ago
Resonant frequency XL>XC. So current lags the applied voltage.
Sandeep wasnik said:
10 years ago
At resonant condition.
XL = XC @ resonant frequency.
Resonant frequency more if XL>XC and less if XL<XC.
Here it is more and it means XL is high and hence L is high (XL = 360FL).
L always takes lags the current.
Hence the current lags the applied voltage.
XL = XC @ resonant frequency.
Resonant frequency more if XL>XC and less if XL<XC.
Here it is more and it means XL is high and hence L is high (XL = 360FL).
L always takes lags the current.
Hence the current lags the applied voltage.
Varshney said:
1 decade ago
Above resonance frequency current lags voltage because at this situation XL>XC.
RAJ said:
1 decade ago
At resonance I in phase with V.
Aggrey kere said:
1 decade ago
At resonance, Xl =XC. Thus there no phase angle. Therefore; no lug or lead.
Manindra said:
1 decade ago
At resonant frequency, (Xl=Xc).
Above resonant frequency, (Xl>Xc).
Below resonant frequency (Xl<Xc).
Above resonant frequency, (Xl>Xc).
Below resonant frequency (Xl<Xc).
Abhi said:
1 decade ago
At frequencies above the resonance frequency the series RLC circuit. Behaves as an inductive load (evident from equivalent impedance equation) hence current will lag.
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